12-05-2019 10:24 AM - edited 02-21-2020 10:04 PM
This is to address those customers coming to ISE from ACS or new to ISE that need a password change portal (UCP)
This solution is best effort support in the community. TAC doesn't support scripting.
For feedback roadmap requests reach out to our PMs at http://cs.co/ise-feedback . For internal communication with the product managers for future roadmap use http://cs.co/ise-pm
Changing passwords in ISE portals are not available for external ID stores today (active directory).
Access the Command-Line Interface to Change the Enable Password would work for AD users, however.
1. User logins with old credentials
2. After click on "OK" button he redirecting to "Change password" page. "My devices" page is hidden.
3. After success changing password he got an alert password change is complete. (Using ISE browser will see My Devices Portal in background)
4. After click on "Ok" button he redirecting to "Login" page.
After login again goes through same process over again
The password change functionality in ISE only works for internal user accounts and can be done via the Sponsor or My Devices Portals, provided Change Password configuration must be enabled in ISE.
These steps will change the behavior of the MYdevices Portal to send the user to password change immediately after they login to the portal. The script automatically selects password change. After the user changes the password there is no indication besides it returning the use to the my devices page where the user should sign-out
See this doc with working with javascript to understand how to use it
Information on the script.
If you don't have this script the user will have to select password change in the upper right of the portal. This hides everything to the user so they only go to the password change screen (you may briefly see the My Devices page if your delay value below is not correct and needs to be tuned)
ISE Version 2.4
Enable Change password and disable Post-Login Banner Page and AUP from the settings.
Try to add the below code in Optional Content 2 of the respective pages.
In the below code, highlighted Portal id should be changed according to your portal.
change password page ========================= <script> $('#ui_changepwd_submit_button').on('click', function(evt){ sessionStorage.setItem('passwordChanged', true); }); $(document).on('pageshow', function() { var logoutAction = ''; $('a').each(function(){ if($(this).attr('href').indexOf("Logout") !== -1){ logoutAction = $(this).attr('href'); } }); $('a[href="HomePreLoad.action?from=MY_DEVICES_HOME"]').attr('href', logoutAction); var passwordChanged = sessionStorage.getItem('passwordChanged') == "true"; if (passwordChanged) { alert('Password has been changed'); sessionStorage.setItem('passwordChanged', false); var logoutUrl = $('[href="Logout.action?portal=582293e0-011a-11ea-88a9-e2ae93fcfd8a"]').attr('href'); window.location = logoutUrl; }; }); </script> My Devices page =============== <script> setTimeout(function(){ $('.ui-panel-content-wrap').hide(); $('.ui-link-inherit').first().click(); }, 100); </script> This is delay (100). If you have slow ISE server, you should raise this delay to 500 or sometimes to 1000 (ms).
ISE Version 2.6
Enable Change password and disable Post-Login Banner Page and AUP from the settings. Try to add the below code in Optional Content 2 of the respective pages.
Login Page ============ <script> $(document).on('pageshow', function() { sessionStorage.setItem('passwordChanged', false); }); </script> Change Password page ==================== <script> setTimeout(function(){ sessionStorage.setItem('passwordChanged', false); $('#ui_changepwd_cancel_button').attr('href', 'javascript:document.forms["logout"].submit()'); $('#ui_changepwd_submit_button').on('click', function(evt){ sessionStorage.setItem('passwordChanged', true); }); }, 1000); </script> My Devices page =============== <script> $(document).on('pageshow', function() { $('.ui-panel-content-wrap').hide(); var passwordChanged = sessionStorage.getItem('passwordChanged') == "true"; if (passwordChanged) { alert('Password has been changed'); sessionStorage.setItem('passwordChanged', false); document.forms['logout'].submit(); } else if (!passwordChanged){ document.forms['changePasswordPreLoad'].submit(); } }); </script>
To remove the dropdown/pulldown in the right side corner of the change password page, please use the below script in the Optional content 2 of Change Password page. This will be applicable for both 2.4 as well as 2.6 ISE versions.
<script> setTimeout(function(){ var deskUser = $(".cisco-desktop-header-menu-button").text(); $(".cisco-desktop-header-menu-button").remove(); $(".cisco-mobile-header-menu-button").remove(); var infoiconDesc = $(".cisco-desktop-menu-button")[0].outerHTML $(".cisco-desktop-menu-button").replaceWith('<div class="ui-btn-right">'+deskUser+infoiconDesc+'</div>'); $('.ui-btn-icon-notext .ui-btn-inner .ui-icon').css('margin','16px 1px 2px 3px'); }, 1000); </script>
The reason of using this delay is for those have a latent connection to the PSN
Sometimes, when page is loaded fast, you can see how one button of colour changing to another (when PC is fast).
Please adjust to your liking
On the change password page put this in under Optional Content, this will log you out of the portal after you change the password so the user doesn't get in a loop going back to change password. It also presents a message after the password is changed to tell them
How to get Portal ID
You will need to replace the portal ID below with the one from your My Devices Portal, this can be found in your browser URL bar
Sponsor portal customization --> Create Account for Known Guests --> Instructional Text
<script> var pwdBtnDisplayed = false; $(document).on('pageshow', function() { $('.cisco-navbar').remove(); $('.create-guest-type-step').remove(); $('.create-guest-info-step').hide(); $('.create-access-info-step').hide(); if(!pwdBtnDisplayed){ for(var i=0; i<5 ; i++){ $('.ui-listview').children()[0].remove(); } } if(!pwdBtnDisplayed){ $('.cisco-nav-content').append('<center><input onclick="changePasswordFn()" target="_self" type="button" value="Password Change"/></center>'); pwdBtnDisplayed = true; } window.addEventListener('resize', function(){ if(window.innerWidth < 960){ removeMedisqueryCSS(); } }); }); function changePasswordFn (){ location.href='#changePwd'; } function removeMedisqueryCSS() { if (typeof window.CSSMediaRule !== "function") return false; //Your browser doesn't support media query feature var s = document.styleSheets,r, i, j, k; if (!s) return; //no style sheets found // walk throuth css sheets for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { // get all rules r = s[i].cssRules; if (!r) continue; for (j = 0; j < r.length; j++) { //If there's a rule for media query if (r[j] instanceof CSSMediaRule){ if((r[j].media.mediaText).indexOf("60em") < 0){ for (k = 0; k < r[j].cssRules.length; k++) { r[j].deleteRule(r[j].cssRules[k]); } } } } } } </script>
I have ISE version 2.4 and I added the two codes in the optional content 2. I test the portal URL and after login I always see
the "My Devices" page.
could you help me?
yes i Have enabled javascrip, anche call the portal test url: https://x.y.x.p:8443/mydevicesportal/PortalSetup.action?portal=3a8c4d20-1cf5-11ea-a2bc-0050568a0b96
please open new question not attach to this.
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