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Level 10
Level 10

Core issue

To operate with full functionality, the Cisco Security Agent (CSA) Management Center (MC) requires a license obtained from Cisco. The product can be installed and run without a license. However, if a valid license is not obtained, these issues occur:

  • CSA MC and all associated agents do not operate.

  • Rules cannot be generated.

The information contained in the license includes the number of server agent licenses allotted. Install appropriate licenses for the MC and for agents.

This is the error message that appears in the absence of the necessary licenses:

INCREMENT desktopagent cisco 1 permanent uncounted \
     VENDOR_STRING=Count=5000 HOSTID=ANY ISSUER="Cisco Systems, \
     Inc." \
     NOTICE="200604232311459901 \
     CSA-4X-CQ-830591" TS_OK SIGN=32BF4B4CEFD6


Install the CSA MC license in addition to the agent license for the agent license to be completely recognized.

Perform this procedure for the CSA license upgrade:

  1. Complete the registration information for the CSA license keys. To do so, refer to Customer Registration.

    Note: Specify the correct email ID, because the license keys are emailed on the basis of the information provided.

    Upon receipt of the Cisco license, copy the license to the system where the CSA MC will be installed, or to a file in a location accessible from the CSA MC system.
  2. The license can be copied to CSA MC during the product installation. During the installation, there is a prompt to copy the license into the CSA MC directory.

    Select Yes, and browse to the license file on the system (or in an accessible location). Then, save the file and continue the installation.

    Alternatively, select No at the prompt, and copy the license when the installation is complete and the system reboots.

If the license was not copied to the CSA MC directory when prompted during the installation, perform this procedure to copy the license to CSA MC:

  1. Select Maintenance > License Information. The License Information window is displayed.
  2. Click Browse to browse the license file.
  3. Locate the license file, and lick Upload to copy the file into the CSA MC directory.

Note: The CSA license appears as csaxxxxxxxxxxx.lic, where xxxxxxxxxxx serves as a placeholder for the numbers.

For more information, refer to the System Requirements section of Installing Management Center for Cisco Security Agents 4.5.1.

or refer to the FAQ section for more details

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