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Introduction: This document describes about the Invalid License Errors.


MARS Device.


When installing the CSM license customers may receive a "Invalid License" error. This could be due to a few possible issues.

1. Serial used to generate license does not match the one in the .lic file

INCREMENT CS-MARS-25R cisco 5.2 permanent uncounted \

                    HOSTID=VDH=QSH70110124 \

                    NOTICE="201008230411303521 \

                    3022J55EEF5" SIGN=CDE785E82B02

pnadmin]$ show inventory

NAME: "Chassis",  DESCR: "CS-MARS-25 Local Controller"

PID: CS-MARS-25,        VID: V05,       SN: FTX1431501E

In the example above serial number QSH70110124 != FTX1431501E

2. Sometimes the serial number on the sticker does not match the serial number in the "show inventory" output. Always use the serial in the show inventory output.

3. If you are running 6.0.5 or above there is a problem with demo licenses. If the demo license is failing be aware of the following bug:

CSCtg69288 MARS Demo License functionality removed <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->

For internal support, send an email to for a demo license.

4. Mars 25/25R and 55 devices running any version of code below 6.0(4) will not display the correct serial number when using the "show inventory" command. They will instead display the Eth0 mac-address. The serial number on the outside of the physical chassis can still be used to determine serial. (Hopefully the sticker is right)

Any new MARS 25/25R or 55 manufactured after June of 2009 and reimaged for any reason to a version below 6.0(4).

CSCta04576 Show inventory fails on mars25/mars55 with new flash DOM <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->

Fixed In: 006.000(004.3229)

Hope this document is informative.

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