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Level 10
Level 10

Core issue

This error is recieved when the Port profile is not set to user role vlan.


For a workaround, follow these steps.

Role-based access VLAN mapping for Windows single sign-on (SSO) users can be achieved with this procedure:

  1. Choose Management > Auth Servers and select Auth Type to Active Directory SSO.

  2. Select Default Role for the role that you want Windows SSO users to be in after they are logged in. For example, in this case it should be vencorp.

  3. Choose User Management > User Roles, select the role (vencorp) and click Edit.

  4. Define the Out of Band User Role VLAN to 5 (or any VLAN that you want the users of this role to be).

  5. Save the role.

  6. Choose Switch Management > Profiles > Port > List and click Edit for the control profile.

  7. Change the Access VLAN to User Role VLAN and click Update.

  8. Login through the PC with SSO. You are now logged in the domain and have role-based VLAN mapping.

For more information, refer to the Clean Access Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco NAC Appliance (Clean Access).

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