06-13-2018 09:31 AM - edited 03-11-2020 05:52 AM
1. Make sure the router can get name resolution. Configure the router with a proper DNS name server.
ISR4451#utd threat-inspection signature update server cisco username xxxxx password yyyyy % This operation may cause the UTD service to restart which will briefly interrupt services. Proceed with signature update? [confirm]
ISR4451#show utd engine standard threat-inspection signature update status Current signature package version: 29.0.c Current signature package name: default Previous signature package version: None --------------------------------------- Last update status: Failed --------------------------------------- Last successful update time: None Last successful update method: None Last successful update server: None Last successful update speed: None --------------------------------------- Last failed update time: Wed Feb 14 09:01:16 2018 PST Last failed update method: Manual Last failed update server: cisco Last failed update reason: ('Connection aborted.', gaierror(-2, 'Name or service not known')) --------------------------------------- Last attempted update time: Wed Feb 14 09:01:16 2018 PST Last attempted update method: Manual Last attempted update server: cisco --------------------------------------- Total num of updates successful: 0 Num of attempts successful: 0 Num of attempts failed: 1 Total num of attempts: 1 --------------------------------------- Next update scheduled at: None --------------------------------------- Current status: Idle
The error highlighted in red above usually means DNS is failing to resolve cloudsso2.cisco.com sourced from the VirtualPortGroup0 interface. Once a proper DNS name server and the router is able to resolve cloudsso2.cisco.com to source from virtual portgroup 0 interface, make sure to issue the following command to make sure the router can establish an https connection with the IP address
ISR4451#telnet 443 /source-interface virt0 Trying, 443 ... Open
Once this step is done signature update should happen without any problem as shown below:
ISR4451#show utd engine standard threat-inspection signature update status Current signature package version: 2983.44.s Current signature package name: UTD-STD-SIGNATURE-2983-44-S.pkg Previous signature package version: 29.0.c --------------------------------------- Last update status: Successful --------------------------------------- Last successful update time: Wed Feb 14 09:38:32 2018 PST Last successful update method: Manual Last successful update server: cisco Last successful update speed: 3212512 bytes in 19 secs --------------------------------------- Last failed update time: Wed Feb 14 09:01:16 2018 PST Last failed update method: Manual Last failed update server: cisco Last failed update reason: ('Connection aborted.', gaierror(-2, 'Name or service not known')) --------------------------------------- Last attempted update time: Wed Feb 14 09:38:32 2018 PST Last attempted update method: Manual Last attempted update server: cisco --------------------------------------- Total num of updates successful: 1 Num of attempts successful: 1 Num of attempts failed: 1 Total num of attempts: 2 --------------------------------------- Next update scheduled at: None --------------------------------------- Current status: Idle
ISR4451#show virtual-service
^ % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
ISR4451#virtual-service install name myips package flash:iosxe-utd.
SV2983_XE_16_7.ova ISR4451#show log
Feb 9 18:54:45.096 PST: %VMAN-2-VIRT_INST_DISK: R0/0: vman: Virtual Service[UTD]:
:Disk reservation::Failed to reserve disk storage for virtual service::Disk storage
request (3210 MB) exceeds remaining disk space (3090 MB) on storage media
Feb 22 12:00:49.283: %IOSXE-1-PLATFORM: R0/0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000000761565218623 %UTD-1-UTD_HEALTH_CHANGE: Service node changed state Down => Red (1) Feb 22 12:01:10.871: %IOSXE_UTD-4-MT_CONTAINER_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT: UTD message sent to the container has timed out Feb 22 12:01:42.871: %IOSXE_UTD-4-MT_CONTAINER_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT: UTD message sent to the container has timed out
Packets go to the container but nothing comes back:
Encaps shows huge count but decaps shows nothing coming back out to the data plane.
CSR#show platform hardware qfp active feature utd stats . . Diversion Statistics: Redirect 137023 Encaps 137023 Decaps 6 Reinject 6
Check the configuration for misconfiguration.
Problem is because the container side IP address is a broadcast IP address.
interface VirtualPortGroup0 ip address ip nat inside zone-member security zone-Inside ! interface VirtualPortGroup1 ip address ! utd engine standard logging syslog threat-inspection threat detection policy connectivity logging level debug utd engine standard all-interfaces ! virtual-service utd vnic gateway VirtualPortGroup0 guest ip address vnic gateway VirtualPortGroup1 guest ip address =======> misconfigured with bcast address activate
The IP address used on VPG1 on the router side and the guest side was already being used else where in the network and it was routed to null. All the packets that were diverted to the UTD engine didn't make it to the UTD engine at all. There by black holing traffic. A ping sourced from VPG1 destined to vnic gateway VirtualPortGroup1 IP address failed.
Refer to this defect:
There is hysteresis in the checking algorithm. When the memory usage is going up, it won't become yellow until crossing 95%. When the usage is going down, the health won't come back to green until crossing 90%.
I'm having issue related to SNORT Service Node showing Down. I have double checked the configuration on Router and didn't find any mistake.
Service Node Statistics:
SN Health: Down
Stats were all zero
Diversion Statistics
Redirect failed, SN unhealthy 194538
Can you please suggest what might gone wrong here
I have opened a Cisco Case as well - Case # 684655355
I got the following error:
Router#app-hosting install appid UTD package bootflash:secapp-utd.17.09.05a.1.0.9_SV2.9.18.1_XE17.9.x86_64.tar
The process for the command is not responding or is otherwise unavailable!!!!
What should I do?
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