This configuration configures a tacacs + server for user authentication for console access.
aaa new-model aaa authentication login console group tacacs+ local aaa authentication enable console group tacacs+ enable aaa authorization exec console group tacacs+ local if-authenticated aaa accounting exec console start-stop group tacacs+ aaa session-id common tacacs-server host tacacs-server directed-request tacacs-server key test ip access-list standard VTY-ACCESS remark VTY ACCESS permit deny any log line con 0 exec-timeout 5 0 login authentication console
authorization exec console
transport output telnet stopbits 1 line vty 0 4 access-class VTY-ACCESS in exec-timeout 5 0 transport input telnet transport output telnet line vty 5 15 transport input none transport output none
#Please post comments if there are any queries and rate if useful
I am having an issue with accessing a new Cisco 9410 console. Is there another way to access the switch? I think the issue is with the TACAC server. The switch is offline no TACAC server available. I am trying to complete configuring the switch.... Any assistance is greatly appreciated. I was under the assumption the switch would default to the local login after the 3 minute timeout
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