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Level 10
Level 10

Core issue

This error message can apper when there is a problem with the hash values.

Note: These messages also appear in the clients which are set to migrate.

[yyyy-mm-dd 10:59:04.695] [PID=xxx] [Csamanager]: Software update type is 'Quiet, no auto-reboot'
[yyyy-mm-dd10:59:04.695] [PID=xxx] [Csamanager]: Creating agent INI file : C:\agentsetup.ini
[yyyy-mm-dd 10:59:04.785] [PID=xxx] [Csamanager]: swupdate:Downloading software update kit csamc45/software_kits/CSAAgent-windows-MKV5.0.0.176.exe (size=8235005)
[yyyy-mm-dd 10:59:06.007] [PID=xxx] [Csamanager]: swupdate: Hash of downloaded software update does not match MC's hash


In order to succesfully migrate rules from CSA MC version 4.5 to 5.0, complete these steps:

  1. Run this command on your 4.5 MC, on your local database:

    cmd>osql -E -d csamc45

    Choose hash from software_update where file_name like '%CSAAgent-windows-MKV5.0.0.176%'>go.

  2. Name the returned value as curr_hash.

  3. Choose the CSAMC50\migration directory and use WinZip to open the prepare_45_migration.exe file. The archive should contain a file named register_software_upgrade.sql. Open up this file and search for su_hash. This should take you next to the hash associated with the Microsoft Windows migration kit that was inserted into the database during update registration.

    The hash ideally is a 40 hex-digit string.

  4. Name this returned value as init_hash.

  5. Compare init_hash with curr_hash. Normally, there are no differences. What is suspected is init_hash != curr_hash.

  6. If this confirms, you need to complete these steps:
    1. Delete the CSAAgent-windows-MKV5.0.0.176.exe file from CSAMC45\bin\webserver\htdocs\software_kits. The file should be in the database and is extracted upon agent request. Restore the database hash to the initial value and run the osql -E -d csamc45 command in order to update software_update set hash = 'XYZ' where file_name like '% CSAAgent-windows-MKV5.0.0.176%' >go.

    2. Replace XYZ with init_hash (40 hex-digit string).

    3. Now the 4.5 agent is able to download and run the migration update.

Refer to the Migrating Instructions section of Installing Management Center for Cisco Security Agents for more information.

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