Direct your browser to https://hostname/, and log-in using the user-name and password.
Go to Help > About and check the current version:
Check the current version available on, in our case we will look for FTD 4100 and download the file ending with the .SPA extension.
Once the image is downloaded. Go to System > Updates and click on Upload Image:
Click on Choose file, browse to the location where you have saved the updates images and click on upload:
Once the image is uploaded you will see it under Available update. The current version will have the status as Installed.
Once the updated file is uploaded. click on the upgrade icon.
You might get a warning message, just click on Yes.
This upgrade process will take 20-30 minutes and then it will reboot device. Once the reboot is complete, login in again and it should have the updated image:
Nice explanation, maybe add to that, that if you are upgrading to something lower than 2.3(1), you will have to follow a fairly long upgrade path as desribed in the release notes. ex. 1.1(4) -> 2.2(1) is 3 or 4 updates after each other .-(
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