05-14-2012 03:50 AM - edited 02-21-2020 09:58 PM
In this Document we will see how to setup inline posture with an ASA and an ISE. Versions used are 8.2(4) for the ASA and for the ISE.
The ISE provide a lot of AAA Services (Posture, Profiling, Authentication etc). While some Network Devices (NAD) supports Radius Change Of Authorization (CoA) that allows to dynamically change the authorization profile of an end device based on its Posture or Profiling result, some other NADs like the ASA doesn't support (Yet) this feature. This means that we need an ISE running in Inline Posture Enforcement mode (iPEP) to dynamically change the network access policy of an end device.
The base principle is that all user traffic will go thru the iPEP ISE, and this box will also act as a Radius Proxy, meaning the general steps are the followings:
-VPN User logs in
-ASA Sends the request to the iPEP ISE
-the iPEP ISE rewrite the request (it adds some Cisco AV-PAIR attributes to indicate this is iPEP Auth) and sends the request to the Policy ISE
-the Policy ISE replies back to the iPEP which will forward to the NAD
-If the user is authenticated, the NAD HAS TOsend an accounting-start request (see CSCtz84826). This will trigger the session initiation on the iPEP. At this stage basically, the user is redirected for posture. Additionally, we need to enable interim-accounting-update for tunnel established from the WEBVPN Portal, as the ISE Expect to have the attribute framed-ip-address in the radius accounting, but when connecting to the portal, the VPN IP Address of the client is not yet known, as the tunnel is not established. This will ensure that the ASA will send interim updates, like when the tunnel will be established.
-The user goes through the posture assessment, and then the policy ISE will update the session via CoA on the iPEP based on the Posture Result.
The ASA Configuration is simple IPSEC Remote VPN, therefore I won't go through it in details:
interface Ethernet0/0
nameif ISE
security-level 50
ip address
interface Ethernet0/1
nameif outside
security-level 0
ip address
access-list split extended permit ip any
aaa-server ISE protocol radius
interim-accounting-update !Mandatory if tunnel established from WEBVPN Portal
aaa-server ISE (ISE) host! this is the iPEP IP
key cisco
crypto ipsec transform-set TS1 esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 28800
crypto ipsec security-association lifetime kilobytes 4608000
crypto dynamic-map DMAP1 10 set transform-set TS1
crypto dynamic-map DMAP1 10 set reverse-route
crypto map CM1 10 ipsec-isakmp dynamic DMAP1
crypto map CM1 interface outside
crypto isakmp enable outside
crypto isakmp policy 1
authentication pre-share
encryption aes
hash sha
group 2
lifetime 86400
ip local pool VPN
group-policy DfltGrpPolicy attributes
dns-server value ! The VPN User needs to be able to resolve the CN from the ISE HTTPS Certificate (which is sent in the radius response)
vpn-tunnel-protocol IPSec svc webvpn
split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
split-tunnel-network-list value split
address-pools value VPN
tunnel-group cisco general-attributes
address-pool VPN
authentication-server-group ISE
accounting-server-group ISE ! Doesn't work without this (see introduction)
tunnel-group cisco ipsec-attributes
pre-shared-key cisco
route outside 1
route ISE 1 !We need to make sure the traffic to the local subnets are going through the inline ISE
The first thing to do is to add an ISE as an iPEP Node. You can find additional info about the process here:
Here's basically what you have to configure in the various tab (the screenshots below are illustrating this):
-Configure untrusted IP & Global IP settings (in our case, untrusted IP is
-Deployement will be routed mode
-Put a static Filter for the ASA to be allowed to go through the iPEP box (otherwise Connectivity to/from the ISE thru iPEP box will be dropped)
-Configure our Policy ISE as Radius server and our ASA as radius client
-Add a route to the VPN Subnet pointing to the ASA
-Set the Monitoring ISE as the Logging Host (port 20514 by default, in our case the policy ISE is doing monitoring too)
There's is 3 posture states:
So now we have to create the authorization profiles (which will be Inline Authorization Profiles: This will add the ipep-authz=true attribute in the Cisco AV-Pair) that will be used for the differents case.
Commonly, the Unknown profile returns the redirect url (posture discovery) which will forward the traffic of the user to the ISE and will ask to install the NAC Agent. If the NAC Agent is already installed, this will allow its HTTP Discovery request to be forwarded to the ISE.
In this profile, we put an ACL that allows HTTP Traffic to the ISE and DNS at least.
The Compliant and Non compliant profiles usually returns a Downloadable ACL to grant network access based on the user profile. (Non compliant profile can allow the users to access a web server to download an Antivirus for example, or grant limited network access).
In our example, I will only create the unknown and compliant profile, and I will check for the presence of notepad.exe as requirements.
The first thing to do is to create the Downloadable ACLs and profiles:
I will have the following (Note: This is not mandatory to have the dACL name matching the profile name)
See the screenshots below:
Now that we have our profile, we need to match the Radius Request coming from our iPEP and apply to them the right profiles. I have defined my iPEP ISEs with a special device type that I will use in my Authorization rules:
Note: if the agent is not installed on the machine, you may define Client Provisionning rules. Ok, now we're all set, let's go testing!
And i'm now prompted to install the agent (as I have client proviosionning already set):
ciscoasa# show vpn-sessiondb remote
Session Type: IPsec
Username : cisco Index : 26
Assigned IP : Public IP :
Protocol : IKE IPsec
License : IPsec
Encryption : AES128 Hashing : SHA1
Bytes Tx : 143862 Bytes Rx : 30628
Group Policy : DfltGrpPolicy Tunnel Group : cisco
Login Time : 13:43:55 UTC Mon May 14 2012
Duration : 0h:09m:37s
Inactivity : 0h:00m:00s
NAC Result : Unknown
VLAN Mapping : N/A VLAN : none
w-ise-ipep-1/admin# show pep table session
Current Sessions (IP, MAC(if available), Profile ID, VLAN (if any)): 00:00:00:00:00:00 2 0
w-ise-ipep-1/admin# show pep table accesslist normal
deny tcp any host eq 80
deny tcp any host eq 443
permit ip any host
permit udp any any eq 53
The agent should automatically detects the ISE and runs the posture assessment (assuming you have the posture rules defined already, which is another subject). In my case I have succeeded the posture, and I can see the following:
Note: There's in fact 2 authetications in the screenshot above, but since the iPEP box caches the ACLs, it is not downloaded every time.
And now on the iPEP:
w-ise-ipep-1/admin# show pep table session
Current Sessions (IP, MAC(if available), Profile ID, VLAN (if any)): 00:00:00:00:00:00 3 0
w-ise-ipep-1/admin# show pep table accesslist normal
permit ip any any
deny tcp any host eq 80
deny tcp any host eq 443
permit ip any host
permit udp any any eq 53
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