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Level 1

I tried to register for a webinar and I got the following message:


Forbidden File or Application

The file or application you are trying to access may require additional entitlement or you are trying to access a file with an invalid name. Additional entitlement levels are granted per-application basis.

If you feel you have reached this page in error, please try one of the following methods to locate your document:

- If you are manually entering the URL into your browser location bar, be sure to include the file name of the page you are trying to access (file names typically end in .htm, .html or .shtml).

- Use the Search feature located in the upper right section of this page.

- Return to the Home or select a primary site area from the top navigation bar.

- Consult with your Manager or Application team to confirm you have the appropriate entitlement to access this page.

If the issue persists raise a service request under "OAM - Migration Request" from SRM Tool to contact web security support team.


I tried to register for a webinar and I got the following message:


Forbidden File or Application

The file or application you are trying to access may require additional entitlement or you are trying to access a file with an invalid name. Additional entitlement levels are granted per-application basis.

If you feel you have reached this page in error, please try one of the following methods to locate your document:

- If you are manually entering the URL into your browser location bar, be sure to include the file name of the page you are trying to access (file names typically end in .htm, .html or .shtml).

- Use the Search feature located in the upper right section of this page.

- Return to the Home or select a primary site area from the top navigation bar.

- Consult with your Manager or Application team to confirm you have the appropriate entitlement to access this page.

If the issue persists raise a service request under "OAM - Migration Request" from SRM Tool to contact web security support team.


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