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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The following is a recommendation for running 5.3.1 with tomahawk linecards.

The recommended set supersedes a number of posted or in the process of posting smu's. Since they are superseded by this set, there is no need to run them and to simplify the smu's for 531, have been removed.

Recommended set:
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw65671.pie and txt
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCux07434.pie and txt
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw94704.pie and txt
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCux07751.pie and txt
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuv61090.pie and txt
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw15926.pie and txt

Supersede list for: asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw65671.pie is full supersede SMU for the list of  SMUs given below

asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw01277 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw87933 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuu64661 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw86192 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuu06295 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuv14560 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuv27376 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw76864 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuu01343 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuv09734 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw49153 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCur86301 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw98906 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuu20483 full

Supersede list for: asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCux07434.pie is full supersede SMU for the list of  SMUs given below

asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw01521 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw80112 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw02269 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw37832 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuv45353 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCut84328 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCut69754 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuu68447 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuu16063 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuv98171 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw63554 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCut98928 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCuw32289 full
asr9k-px-5.3.1.CSCus81652 full

Alexei Kiritchenko
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Adding the SMU names fixed by this recommended set

CSCuw65671 - Tomahawk MH OTN:CPAK interfaces down during PCIE link flap
CSCux07434 - unhide LER disable knob incase of cef corruption
CSCuw94704 - Fpd.pie to upgrade IPU image with PCIE link flap fix
CSCux07751 - Tomahawk OTN: FPD descriptor changes for fixing PCIE flap
CSCuv61090 - ABF Fails to track Multiple next hope when using Object Group
CSCuw15926 - Drops on Bundle subinterface are counted as parent interface drops
CSCuw01277 - A9K-8X100-SE unable to receive traffic with Cisco 15454 after port flap
CSCuw87933 - Tomahawk MH epm switch issue leads to ICMP drops and CRC errors
CSCuu64661 - I/F doesn't become UP after no-shut, in not receiving RFI
CSCuw86192 - x120 PHY PCS stuck after link up and traffic drops
CSCuu06295 - Console log "PLATFORM-AHCI-2-DEV_HD0_NOT_RESPONDING" happens
CSCuv14560 - I/f shut down due to DIAG test failure, continued to be down after FO
CSCuv27376 - Add a malloc_opts API to control malloc arena truncation behavior
CSCuw76864 - Tomahawk LC should be reloaded to recover from slice0 fabric fatal fault
CSCuu01343 - : Observing "PuntFabricDataPath failed..." after router reload
CSCuv09734 - Tomahawk MH Previously good optics show up unknown in "show inventory"
CSCuw49153 - Tomahawk MH Improve error correction in receive dir for x120 phy stuck
CSCur86301 - octane: initial 4 packets (1 per slice) drop after reload
CSCuw98906 - FPD SMU failed to install on 531 CCO image
CSCuu20483 - Graceful way to handle cases where clients were slow to pick up mq msgs
CSCuw01521 - Traffic is dropped due to no NRLDI info for certain prefixes
CSCuw80112 - Resolve CSCuw24731 plus a knob to disable LER optimization
CSCuw02269 - NetFlow ASN is wrong on Tomahawk
CSCuw37832 - Umbrella SMU for FIB fixes
CSCuv45353 - CEF convergence on Typhoon is slower
CSCut84328 - Packet loss when remote LFA is triggered in ASR9K running 5.3.0.
CSCut69754 - Tomahawk IPv6 two label stack with inner label as explicit null
CSCuu68447 - Umbrella SMU for 5.3.1 NP4c PRM and NP ECC fixes
CSCuu16063 - Repeated APM or 10->100GE swap causes port (10/100GE) to be stuck down
CSCuv98171 - Tomahawk 100gige interface may be limited to 10gig of through put
CSCuw63554 - XR 5.3.1 asr9k-prm umbrella
CSCut98928 - Tomawhawk: traffic drop seen at 100% line rate for certain packet sizes
CSCuw32289 - GRE over interfaces of IP FRR does not work in XR 5.3.1
CSCus81652 - Few VRFs have traffic loss with 2K VRF scale from PE to BL.
CSCuv36905 - Tomahwk MH ROUTING-FIB-2-OOR FIB out of DATA_TYPE_TABLE_SET resource mem
CSCuv49005 - Tomahawk MH ifc-ipv6 taking 1GB + memory & increasing for ~80K IPv6 rts
CSCut88999 - FRR is failing to converge within 0.05s after shutting down remote int
CSCuu15884 - Updated handling for TM_SC_L01, TM_SC_L234_5, and other ECC errors.
CSCuu59848 - Should not attempt repairs for NP soft errors with invalid addresses
CSCuu18145 - Detect potentially hung Typhoon ECPU read and log EZDriver debug data
CSCuu31580 - Typhoon parity errors in TM_SC_L01 PORT_CONFIG mem should be correctable
CSCut97770 - Correctable ECC errors in Typhoon NET_IF0 block not repaired properly
CSCuu65150 - Tmhwk : cable pull-out and reconnect causes unrecoverable traffic loss
CSCuu18246 - Implement serdes auto tuning for host lanes on Tomahawk cards
CSCuv78548 - [A9K-24X10GE] CRC error observed with specific pattern/port
CSCuv79432 - fib_mgr was not re-spawned properly after crashing it

Level 1
Level 1

Is this the most current recommended line-up?

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

hi aaron,

this is the minimum list that you need for 531.

there are a few more out there now for 531 such as a bgp umbrella pack and some TE/FRR fixes.

check CSM to see the latest ones available. This list above was the minimum set and specific to Tomahawk deployments.



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