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This document describes a procedure to delete the logs stored in ASR-9001(-S) as much as possible for the customer shipment, followed by the procedure to upgrade the FPD to the latest version after installing IOS-XR 4.3.2.

* This document uses the example of IOS-XR 4.3.2, but the procedure is the same for the other versions as well.
* Besides ASR-9001(-S), this method is applicable to ASR9000 Series and CRS Series.


Necessary Equipment

  • ASR-9001(-S)
  • ASR-9001-FAN (qty 1)
  • A9K-750W-AC (qty 2 (minimum 1))
  • TFTP Server connection (use MgmtEth0)
  • Console connection to ASR-9001(-S)                          


Necessary files (you can download from CCO)

  • asr9k mini px.vm 4.3.2
  • asr9k-fpd-px.pie-4.3.2


1. Changing to the ROMMON Mode

Upon power-on and at the time of Ctrl+C being displayed, enter Ctrl+C, to change to the Rommon mode

Transition to ROMMON Mode

MBI validation sending request.
HIT CTRL-C to abort


   MBI Validation aborted
   Boot Status 15
Serial ID: FOCxxxxxxxx
rommon B1 >



2. Setting ROMMON Enviroment Variables

Dependent on the work environment, set the ROMMON variables

ROMMON Environment Variable Settings Example

rommon B1 > set << Check the initial state
rommon B2 > unset BOOT

rommon B3 > IP_ADDRESS=                << IP address configured to the equipment
rommon B4 > IP_SUBNET_MASK=      << The subnet mask configured to the equipment
rommon B5 > DEFAULT_GATEWAY=  << The gateway configured to the equipment
rommon B6 > TURBOBOOT=on,disk0,format    << Be careful not to insert a space between "," and the character strings
rommon B7 > confreg 0x102
rommon B8 > sync
rommon B9 > set << Check if the settings are reflected



Install the IOS-XR, adding an option to ignore the existing settings.
* Configure the TFTP server settings according to your environment.
* -o none is the option without loading the Admin Mode settings
* -a none is the option without loading the Exec Mode settings

TURBO BOOT Execution Example

rommon B10 > boot tftp://asr9k-mini-px.vm-4.3.2 -a none -o none


4. Login with Temporary ID and Password

Configure a temporary ID and a password to log in (they will be deleted later).

ID/Password Setting Example

!!! NO root-system username is configured. Need to configure root-system username. !!!

  --- Administrative User Dialog ---

  Enter root-system username: cisco
  Enter secret: cisco
  Enter secret again: cisco

Username: cisco
Password: cisco



5. Formatting User Area

Initialize the user area while waiting for LC to start up.

Format for NVRAM

Format for nvram:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#erase nvram:
Erase operation will destroy IOS/ENA files in "nvram:" on node0_RSP0_CPU0.
Continue?[confirm] [Enter Key]
Warning: Secure files exist on "nvram:" on node0_RSP0_CPU0 will be destroyed.
Continue?[confirm] [Enter Key]
Erase of nvram: on node0_RSP0_CPU0 complete


Format for NVRAM(Raw AREA)

Format for NVRAM (Raw AREA)

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#erase nvram-raw:
Erase operation will destroy IOS/ENA files in "nvram-raw:".
Continue?[confirm] [Enter Key]
erasing nvram raw partition


Format for Disk0a

Format for disk0a:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#format disk0a:

Format will destroy all data on "disk0a:. Continue? [confirm] [Enter Key]

Device partition disk0a: is now formated and is available for use.


Format Hard Drive

Format the hard drive:

RP / 0 / RSP0 / CPU0: ios # format hard drive:

Format will destroy all data on "harddisk:". Continue? [confirm] [Enter Key]

Device partition harddisk: is now formated and is available for use.


Format for Configflash

Format for configflash:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#format configflash:

Format operation may take a while. Continue? [confirm] [Enter Key]

Format will destroy all data on "configflash:". Continue? [confirm] [Enter Key]
Formatting sector 1


6. Checking the LC Status

Verify that the LC state is IOS XR RUN.

Checking the LC Status

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#show platform

Node           Type                    State           Config State


0/RSP0/CPU0    ASR9001-RP(Active)      IOS XR RUN      PWR,NSHUT,MON

0/0/CPU0       ASR9001-LC              IOS XR RUN      PWR,NSHUT,MON


7. Formatting User Area on LC

Formatting Bootflash on LC

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#format bootflash: location 0/0/cpu0


Format operation may take a while. Continue? [confirm] [Enter Key]


Format will destroy all data on "bootflash:". Continue? [confirm] [Enter Key]
Formatting sector 1

bootflash on node0_0_CPU0 formatted successfully.


8. Checking the FPD Version

Verify the FPD Version, and if there is an “Yes,” even one in the Upg/Dng, proceed to the Upgrade Procedure (9). If there are all “No”, proceed to the System Rebooting Procedure (11), since a FPD upgrade is not required.

Checking the FPD Version

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#admin show hw-module fpd location all

===================================== ==========================================
                                      Existing Field Programmable Devices

                                       HW                      Current SW   Upg/

Location     Card Type               Version Type Subtype Inst   Version    Dng?
============ ======================== ======= ==== ======= ==== =========== ====

0 / RSP0 / CPU0 ASR9001-RP 0 1.14 1.0 lc fpga2 No.

                                              lc   cbc     0     22.114     No

                                              lc   rommon  0       1.36     Yes


0 / FT0 / SP ASR-9001-FAN 1.0 ft cbc 7 No. 24.114


0/0/0 CPU0 ASR9001-LC 1.0 lc cbc No. 23.114

                                              lc   fpga2   0       1.17     Yes

                                              lc   fpga4   0       2.07     No

                                              lc   rommon  0       1.36     Yes



1. One or more FPD needs an upgrade or a downgrade. This can be accomplished

   using the "admin> upgrade hw-module fpd <fpd> location <loc>" CLI.


9. Installing FPD Package

Set IP address and confirm the communication to TFTP server

Sample Config

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#conf t

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(config)#interface MgmtEth 0/RSP0/CPU0/0

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(config-if)#ipv4 add << According to your work environment

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(config-if)#no shut




RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#ping   << IP address of TFTP Server

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:

!!!!! << ! appears, indicating the connectivity.

Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/3/15 ms



Installing FPD Package

Installing FPD Package

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#admin install add tftp:// actvate sync



Info:         disk0:asr9k-fpd-px-4.3.2


Info:     The package can be activated across the entire router.


The operation can still be aborted (ctrl-c for options)Part 1 of 2 (add software)

: Completed successfully

Part 2 of 2 (activate software): Completed successfully
Install operation 1 completed successfully << Confirmation that the operation succeeded


Checking and Committing FPD Package Installation

Checking and Committing FPD Package Installation

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#show install active summary

Default Profile:



Active Packages:


   disk0:asr9k-fpd-px-4.3.2    << Check to see if the package has been added


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#admin install commit


\ 100% complete: The operation can no longer be aborted (ctrl-c for options)
Install operation 2 completed successfully at 00:06:24 UTC Mon Dec 16 2013.



10. Upgrading FPD

Upgrade all FPDs that require a version upgrade.

Upgrading FPD

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#admin upgrade hw-module fpd all location all

NOTE: Chassis CLI will not be accessible while upgrade is in progress.

Continue? [confirm] [Enter Key]

This can take some time for a full chassis.

Ensure that system is not power cycled during the upgrades.

Please consult the documentation for more information.

Continue ? [no]: yes


Starting the upgrade/download of following FPD:

=========== ==== ======= ======= =========== =========

                                   Current   Upg/Dng

Location   Type Subtype  Upg/Dng   Version   Version

=========== ==== ======= ======= =========== =========

0/RSP0/CPU0 lc   rommon  upg         1.36       2.01  


Starting the upgrade/download of following FPDs:

=========== ==== ======= ======= =========== =========

                                   Current   Upg/Dng

Location   Type Subtype  Upg/Dng   Version   Version

=========== ==== ======= ======= =========== =========

0/0 / CPU0 lc fpga2 upg 1.17 1.18  

0/0/CPU0   lc   rommon   upg         1.36       2.01


FPD upgrade in progress. Max timeout remaining 89 min.

FPD upgrade in progress. Max timeout remaining 88 min.

FPD upgrade in progress. Max timeout remaining 87 min.

Successfully upgraded rommon for ASR9001-RP on location 0/RSP0/CPU0 from 1.36 to 2.01

Successfully upgraded fpga2 for ASR9001-LC on location   0/0/CPU0 from 1.17 to 1.18

Successfully upgraded rommon for ASR9001-LC on location  0/0/CPU0 from 1.36 to 2.01


FPD upgrade has ended. <<The upgrade ends at this point, but make sure that success logs have been outputed for all the target modules.

                                                    Retry if any of them has failed. * There are three target modules in this output example.



11. System Restart

System Restart

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#admin reload location all
Preparing system for backup. This may take a few minutes especially for large configurations.

       Status report: node0_RSP0_CPU0: START TO BACKUP



Proceed with reload? [confirm] [Enter Key]


12. Login to the system

Log in using the temporary ID and password configured at Step 4. Wait for the "SYSTEM CONFIGURATION COMPLETED" message is shown.


User Access Verification


Username: cisco

Password: cisco



SYSTEM CONFIGURATION COMPLETED << Other logs will be output around the time this message is output



13. Initializing Exec Mode Settings

Initialize the config and history of the Exec mode.

Initializing Exec Mode Settings

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#conf t

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(config)#commit replace


This commit will replace or remove the entire running configuration. This

operation can be service affecting.

Do you wish to proceed? [no]: yes




RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#clear configuration commits diskspace 100000

Deleting 1 rollback points '1000000001' to '1000000001'

1 KB of disk space will be freed. Continue with deletion?[confirm] [Enter Key]


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#delete disk0:config/lr/history/config_history

Delete disk0:/config/lr/history/config_history[confirm] [Enter Key]


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#clear configuration inconsistency


Creating any missing directories in Configuration File system...OK

Initializing Configuration Version Manager...OK

Syncing commit database with running configuration...OK



14. Initializing Admin Mode Settings

Initialize the config and history of the Admin mode.

Initializing Admin Mode Settings


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios (admin)#conf t

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin-config)#commit replace


This commit will replace or remove the entire admin running configuration. This

operation can be service affecting.

Do you wish to proceed? [no]: yes




RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#clear configuration commits diskspace 100000

Deleting 1 rollback points '2000000001' to '2000000001'

1 KB of disk space will be freed. Continue with deletion?[confirm]


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#delete disk0:config/ad/admin/history/config_history

Delete disk0:/config/ad/admin/history/config_history[confirm] [Enter Key]


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#clear configuration inconsistency


Creating any missing directories in ADMIN Configuration File system...OK

Initializing ADMIN Configuration Version Manager...OK

Syncing ADMIN commit database with running configuration...OK



15. Normality Check

Checking the Module Status

Check to see if the state of all the modules is either [IOS XR RUN] or [READY].

Checking the Module Status

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#show platform

Node           Type                     State           Config State


0/RSP0/CPU0     ASR9001-RP(Active)      IOS XR RUN      PWR,NSHUT,MON

0/FT0/SP       FAN TRAY                 READY          

0/0/CPU0       ASR9001-LC               IOS XR RUN      PWR,NSHUT,MON

0/PM0/SP       A9K-750W-AC              READY           PWR,NSHUT,MON

0 / PM1 / A9K SP-750W-AC              READY           PWR, NSHUT, MON


Checking the Memory Size

Verify that the memory is recognized as 8192M.

Checking the Memory Size

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#show memory summary

Physical Memory: 8192M total (6815M available)

Application Memory: 8003M (6815M available)

Image: 59M (bootram: 59M)

Reserved: 128M, IOMem: 0, flashfsys: 0

Total shared window: 33M


Checking the Package

cellspacing="0" height="126" style="border: 1px solid #000000; background-colo

Check the active status of the package.




Checking the FPD

Check to see if all the Upg/Dng is No, which means that all the FPDs are updated to the latest version.

<table border="1" cellpadding="3" r:="" #ffffff;="" width:="" 700px;"="">

Checking the Package

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#show install active summary

Default Profile:



Active Packages:


   disk0:asr9k-fpd-px-4.3.2   << This will not be output if you did not execute the FPD upgrade procedure.

Checking the FPD

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#show hw-module fpd location all


===================================== ==========================================

                                     Existing Field Programmable Devices


                                       HW                        Current SW Upg/

Location     Card Type               Version  Type Subtype Inst   Version   Dng?

============ ======================== ======= ==== ======= ==== =========== ====

0 / RSP0 / CPU0 ASR9001-RP 0 1.14 1.0 lc fpga2     No.

                                              lc   cbc     0      22.114    No

                                              lc   rommon  0       2.01     No


0 / FT0 / SP ASR-9001-FAN 1.0 ft 7 cbc 24.114    No.


0/0/0 CPU0 ASR9001-LC 1.0 lc cbc 23.114    No.

                                              lc   fpga2   0       1.18     No

                                              lc   fpga4   0       2.07     No

                                              lc   rommon  0       2.01     No



Checking the Inventory Information

Check to see if you can load the inventory information successfully.

Checking the Inventory Information

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#show inventory

NAME: "module 0/RSP0/CPU0", DESCR: "ASR 9001, Route Switch Processor with 8GB memory"

PID: ASR9001-RP, VID: V01, SN: FOCxxxxxxxx


NAME: "fantray 0 / FT0 / SP", Descr: "ASR-9001 Fan Tray"

PID: ASR-9001-FAN VID: V01, SN: FOCxxxxxxxx



Checking BOOT Variable and Config Register

Check to see if the BOOT variable and Config Register have the following values:

Checking BOOT Variable and Config Register

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios(admin)#show variables boot

Node 0/RSP0/CPU0:

   BOOT variable = disk0:asr9k-os-mbi-4.3.2/0x100000/mbiasr9k-rp.vm,1; << Check the startup image

   CONFREG variable = 0x102 << Check the value of config-register


16.ROMMON Environment Variables Initialization

After the normality check, reload the system and transit to the ROMMON mode once again.

Transition to ROMMON Mode

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ios#admin reload location all
Preparing system for backup. This may take a few minutes especially for large configurations.

       Status report: node0_RSP0_CPU0: START TO BACKUP



Proceed with reload? [confirm] [Enter Key]




MBI validation sending request.

HIT CTRL-C to abort


MBI Validation aborted


Boot Status 15

Serial ID: FOCxxxxxxxx

rommon B1 >


Delete unnecessary ROMMON environment variables.
* If no setting exists, ignore [unset: "XXXXXX" does not exist], even thugh this appears at the time of "unset" execution.

Delete Unnecessary rommon environment variables

rommon B1 > unset IP_ADDRESS

rommon B2 > unset IP_SUBNET_MASK

rommon B3 > unset DEFAULT_GATEWAY

rommon B4 > unset TFTP_SERVER

rommon B5 > unset TFTP_FILE

rommon B6 > unset IOX_ADMIN_CONFIG_FILE

rommon B7 > sync


NVRAM Valid: confreg= OK nvmagic= OK chksum= OK   << Check if everything is OK.

rommon B8 > set

PS1=rommon ! >



BSI = 0

BOOT=disk0:asr9k-os-mbi-4.3.2/0x100000/mbiasr9k-rp.vm,1; << Check the startup image





rommon B9 >


Turn the power off to exit.

Related Information

Original Document: Cisco Support Community Japan
Author: Yoichi Kanme (ykanme)
Posted on January 25, 2014


Level 1
Level 1


I am trying to make a turbo boot from USB to an ASR-9001 with IOS XR 5.2.4. But when I try Clear the ROM Monitor environmental variables on all RSP cards with clear BOOT the BOOT parameter is not recognized. What is it due to?


Best Regards


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