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BFD between ASR9K-XR (Bundle-Ether) and ASR903 - XE (Port-channel)



BFD over Port channel of ASR903 down




  • ASR903 Configuration of Port-channel & BFD 


bfd-template single-hop AG1-ASR9K

 interval microseconds min-tx 25000 min-rx 25000 multiplier 3 >> 25ms *3 timer 




AG1-2-903#sh run int po10

Building configuration...


Current configuration : 528 bytes


interface Port-channel10


 mtu 9202

 ip address

 no ip redirects

 no ip unreachables

 no ip proxy-arp

 ip router isis CORE

 ip pim sparse-mode

 load-interval 30

 carrier-delay up 2

 carrier-delay down msec 0

 ipv6 address 2405:200:13A:0:172:27:98:220/127

 no ipv6 redirects

 no ipv6 unreachables

 ipv6 router isis CORE

 mpls ip

 mpls ldp igp sync delay 25

 bfd template AG1-ASR9K

 isis circuit-type level-1

 isis network point-to-point 

 isis bfd





AG1-2-903#sh bfd neighbors interface po10 details 


IPv4 Sessions

NeighAddr                              LD/RD         RH/RS     State     Int                           7/131077     Down      Init      Po10  >>>> DOWN & INIT state , ASR903 is receiving the poackets so it is in INIT state 

Session Host: Hardware - session negotiated with platform adjusted timer values.

              MinTxInt - configured: 25000       adjusted: 1000000   


Handle: 3

Local Diag: 0, Demand mode: 0, Poll bit: 0

MinTxInt: 1000000, MinRxInt: 1000000, Multiplier: 3

Received MinRxInt: 2000000, Received Multiplier: 3

Holddown (hits): 0(0), Hello (hits): 2000(0)

Rx Count: 54

Tx Count: 48

Elapsed time watermarks: 0 0 (last: 0)

Registered protocols: ISIS CEF 

Template: AG1-ASR9K

Last packet: Version: 1                  - Diagnostic: 3

             State bit: Down             - Demand bit: 0

             Poll bit: 0                 - Final bit: 0

             C bit: 1                                   

             Multiplier: 3               - Length: 24

             My Discr.: 131077           - Your Discr.: 0    >>>  My Discr is matching with peer ASR9K 

             Min tx interval: 2000000    - Min rx interval: 2000000

             Min Echo interval: 0   





Able to ping peer IP of ASR903 



Mon Oct 25 02:50:55.096 EDT

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:


Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/3/6 ms



RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ASR9K_1#sh bfd session interface be1601 detail 

Mon Oct 25 02:51:04.918 EDT

I/f: Bundle-Ether1601, Location: 0/7/CPU0



 State: DOWN for 0d:0h:8m:58s, number of times UP: 0

 Session type: SW/V4/SH/BL

Received parameters:

 Version: 0, desired tx interval: 0 ms, required rx interval: 0 ms

 Required echo rx interval: 0 ms, multiplier: 0, diag: None

 My discr: 0, your discr: 0, H/D/F/P/C/A: 0/0/0/0/0/0

Transmitted parameters:

 Version: 1, desired tx interval: 2 s, required rx interval: 2 s

 Required echo rx interval: 0 ms, multiplier: 3, diag: None

 My discr: 131077, your discr: 0, state DOWN, D/F/P/C/A: 0/0/0/1/0 >>>> Matching with ASR903 

Timer Values:

 Local negotiated async tx interval: 2 s

 Remote negotiated async tx interval: 2 s

 Desired echo tx interval: 0 s, local negotiated echo tx interval: 0 ms

 Echo detection time: 0 ms, async detection time: 0 ms


 Internal label: 506618/0x7bafa

Local Stats:

 Intervals between async packets:

   Tx: Number of intervals=100, min=1673 ms, max=1994 ms, avg=1827 ms >>>> Packets is getting transmitted 

       Last packet transmitted 1350 ms ago

   Rx: Number of intervals=0, min=0 s, max=0 s, avg=0 s. >>>> No Receive

       Last packet received 0 s ago

 Intervals between echo packets:

   Tx: Number of intervals=0, min=0 s, max=0 s, avg=0 s

       Last packet transmitted 0 s ago

   Rx: Number of intervals=0, min=0 s, max=0 s, avg=0 s

       Last packet received 0 s ago

 Latency of echo packets (time between tx and rx):

   Number of packets: 0, min=0 ms, max=0 ms, avg=0 ms

MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK

State change time: Oct 25 02:50:53.628

Session owner information:

                            Desired               Adjusted

  Client               Interval   Multiplier Interval   Multiplier

  -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------

  isis-CORE            50 ms      3          2 s        3         


AG1-2-903#sh ip route                   

Routing entry for

  Known via "isis", distance 115, metric 30

  Tag 5000, type level-1

  Redistributing via isis CORE

  Last update from on TenGigabitEthernet0/3/2, 00:07:39 ago

  Routing Descriptor Blocks:

  *, from, 00:07:39 ago, via TenGigabitEthernet0/3/2

      Route metric is 30, traffic share count is 1

      Route tag 5000

      Repair Path:, via MPLS-Remote-Lfa1


BFD is Down but ISIS is UP but as per RIB table above it is not using Bundle Path (So removed from RIB)


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ASR9K_1#sh isis neighbors 

Mon Oct 25 02:51:24.540 EDT


IS-IS CORE neighbors:

System Id      Interface        SNPA           State Holdtime Type IETF-NSF

IXIA-4     BE357            *PtoP*         Up    23       L1   Unable  

AG1-2-903      BE1601           *PtoP*         Up    28       L1   Capable 



AG1-2-903#sh isis neighbors 



System Id       Type Interface     IP Address      State Holdtime Circuit Id

EAG5            L1   Te0/3/7      UP    27       00

EAG5            L1   Te0/4/5      UP    25       00

ASR9K_1           L1   Po10   UP    26       00

ASR9K-2           L1   Te0/3/2      UP    26       00


Tag RAN:

System Id       Type Interface     IP Address      State Holdtime Circuit Id



RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ASR9K_1#sh run router isis CORE inte be1601

Mon Oct 25 02:50:17.523 EDT

router isis CORE

 interface Bundle-Ether1601

  circuit-type level-1

  bfd minimum-interval 50

  bfd multiplier 3

  bfd fast-detect ipv4


  address-family ipv4 unicast

   fast-reroute per-prefix

   fast-reroute per-prefix remote-lfa tunnel mpls-ldp

   metric 20 level 1

   mpls ldp sync


  address-family ipv6 unicast

   metric 3000 level 



As per document , below is recommended from ASR903 RSP3C BFD over Port-Channel 


BFD over port-channel (PoCH) is supported on the RSP3 module in software offload mode only. The minimum timer value supported is 200 milliseconds.



AG1-2-903#sh run | in platform bfd-offload

platform bfd-offload-timer 200000 >> minimum 200ms is supported on Portchannel 


AG1-2-903#sh run | b bfd-template

bfd-template single-hop 200ms

 interval min-tx 200 min-rx 200 multiplier 3 >>>> 200ms * 3 timer

AG1-2-903#conf t

Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.

AG1-2-903(config)#int po10

AG1-2-903(config-if)#no bfd template AG1-ASR9K

AG1-2-903(config-if)#bfd template 200ms




RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ASR9K_1#sh bfd session interface be1601 detail 

Mon Oct 25 03:01:29.377 EDT

I/f: Bundle-Ether1601, Location: 0/7/CPU0



 State: UP for 0d:0h:0m:13s, number of times UP: 1

 Session type: SW/V4/SH/BL

Received parameters:

 Version: 1, desired tx interval: 200 ms, required rx interval: 200 ms >>>

 Required echo rx interval: 0 ms, multiplier: 3, diag: None

 My discr: 1026, your discr: 131077, state UP, D/F/P/C/A: 0/0/0/0/0

Transmitted parameters:

 Version: 1, desired tx interval: 50 ms, required rx interval: 50 ms

 Required echo rx interval: 0 ms, multiplier: 3, diag: None

 My discr: 131077, your discr: 1026, state UP, D/F/P/C/A: 0/0/0/1/0

Timer Values:

 Local negotiated async tx interval: 200 ms

 Remote negotiated async tx interval: 200 ms

 Desired echo tx interval: 0 s, local negotiated echo tx interval: 0 ms

 Echo detection time: 0 ms(0 ms*3), async detection time: 600 ms(200 ms*3)


 Internal label: 506618/0x7bafa

Local Stats:

 Intervals between async packets:

   Tx: Number of intervals=100, min=1 ms, max=1994 ms, avg=632 ms >>> TX working

       Last packet transmitted 85 ms ago

   Rx: Number of intervals=78, min=1 ms, max=201 ms, avg=167 ms  >>> RX working

       Last packet received 106 ms ago

 Intervals between echo packets:

   Tx: Number of intervals=0, min=0 s, max=0 s, avg=0 s

       Last packet transmitted 0 s ago

   Rx: Number of intervals=0, min=0 s, max=0 s, avg=0 s

       Last packet received 0 s ago

 Latency of echo packets (time between tx and rx):

   Number of packets: 0, min=0 ms, max=0 ms, avg=0 ms

MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK

State change time: Oct 25 02:50:53.628

Session owner information:

                            Desired               Adjusted

  Client               Interval   Multiplier Interval   Multiplier

  -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------

  isis-CORE            50 ms      3          50 ms      3         



  • ISIS & RIB check 


Below status with 200ms BFD on ASR903 


AG1-2-903#sh isis neighbors 


System Id       Type Interface     IP Address      State Holdtime Circuit Id

EAG5            L1   Te0/3/7      UP    27       00

EAG5            L1   Te0/4/5      UP    25       00

ASR9K_1           L1   Po10   UP    26       00

AG2-2           L1   Te0/3/2      UP    26       00


AG1-2-903#sh ip route    

Routing entry for

  Known via "isis", distance 115, metric 10

  Tag 5000, type level-1

  Redistributing via isis CORE

  Last update from on Port-channel10, 00:00:34 ago

  Routing Descriptor Blocks:

  *, from, 00:00:34 ago, via Port-channel10  >>> So now PO10 is UP 

      Route metric is 10, traffic share count is 1

      Route tag 5000

      Repair Path:, via TenGigabitEthernet0/3/2


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