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Aleksandar Vidakovic
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Update (March 2018)

This document was written at the time when 5.3.4 was about to be released. Hence the SW recommendation for BNG deployment has changed. Please refer to

The supported BNG scale specified in this document stands for all 32-bit (aka Classic) IOS XR releases, regardless of the line card generation (Typhoon, Tomahawk) or RSP generation (RSP440-SE, RSP880-SE) because the limit is imposed by the max memory that a process can address. Higher BNG scale requires the 64-bit (aka Enhanced) IOS XR, which also implies Tomahawk and RSP880-SE.


The purpose of this document is to share the information about the BNG scale tested within the System Integration Testing (SIT) cycle of IOS XR releases 5.2.4 to 5.3.4 on Cisco ASR9000 platform. This is not the only profile in which BNG was tested at Cisco.

The scalability maximums for individual features may be higher than what is specified in this profile. The BNG SIT profile is provides for a multi-dimensional view of how features perform and scale together. The results in this document closely tie with the setup utilised for this profile. The results may vary depending upon the deployment and optimizations tuned for the convergence.

IOS XR release 5.2.4 is the suggested release for deploying BNG on the ASR9000 platform (until the XR release 5.3.3 is available).

IOS XR release 5.3.4 was posted on October 7th 2016. The XR release 5.3.4 is the Cisco suggested release for all BNG deployments. If your deployment requires features not supported yet in 5.3.4, please reach out to your account  team for recommendation. The scale numbers for 5.3.4 are identical to those from 5.2.4. The difference between these releases is in the supported features and level of BNG hardening cycles that we at Cisco have completed.

Note: starting with XR release 5.3.4 you can use RSP880 in BNG deployments on asr9k. The scale remains the same because the scale is dictated by line card capabilities. The supported BNG scale will increase with the introduction of BNG support on Tomahawk generation line cards.

Feature And Scale Under Test


BNG With MSE (RP based subscribers)

Scale parameter Scale
Access ports bundle GigE/TenGigE
Number of members in a bundle 2
uplink ports TenGige
Scale - PPP session PTA 64k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Scale - PPP Sessions L2TP 64k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Scale - IPv4 Sessions 64k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Scale - PPP v6 session 64k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Scale - IP v6 Session 64k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Scale - Dual-Stack Session 32k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Sessions Per Port 8k/32k
Sessions Per NPU 32k
Sessions Per Line Card 64k
Number of classes per QoS policy 8
Total number of unique QoS policies 50
Number of sub-interfaces 2k
Number LI taps 100
Number CPLs 50
Session QoS Ingress: Policing
Egress: Hierarchical QoS; Model F with 3 queues per session
Number IPv4 ACLs 50
Number ACEs per IPv4 ACL 100
Number IPv6 ACLs 50
Number ACEs per IPv6 ACL 100
Number IGP routes 10k
Number VRFs for subscribers 100
Number BGP routes 30k
Number VPLS 3000
Number VPWS 2000
Number MAC addresses 2000
Number of sessions with multicast receivers 8000
AAA Accounting Start-Stop every 10min
Service Accounting 64k + 2 services
BNG over Satellite 32k
CPS rate 80 calls per second
CoA 40 requests per second
DHCP (proxy or server) 60 requests per second


BNG Only (RP based subscribers)

Scale parameter Scale
Access ports bundle GigE/TenGigE
Number of members in a bundle 2
Scale - PPP session PTA 128k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Scale - PPP Sessions L2TP 64k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Scale - IPv4 Sessions 128k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Scale - PPP v6 session 64k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Scale - IP v6 Session 64k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
DS PPPoE 64k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Static Session 8k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Routed Subscribers 32k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Service Accounting 64K with 2 Services , 24 with 3 Services
Routed Pkt Triggered subscriber IPv4/IPv6 64k


CPU Utilisation (RP based subscribers; 128k IPoEv4)

HW Type A9K-RSP-440-SE MOD80-SE
Role RSP Subscriber facing line card
Major features Total of 128k RP based IPoEv4 or PPPoE subscribers Data plane
CPU steady state 14% 10-14%
CPU peak 60-70% 50-60%
Top processes lpts_pa prm_server_ty
iedged qos_ma_ea
ppp_ma/dhcpd prm_ssmh
ifmgr netio


CPU Utilisation (RP based subscribers; 64k Dual-Stack)

HW Type A9K-RSP-440-SE MOD80-SE
Role RSP Subscriber facing line card
Major features Total of 64k RP based IPoE or PPPoE subscribers Data plane
CPU steady state 14% 10-14%
CPU peak 40-50% 30-40%
Top processes lpts_pa prm_server_ty
iedged qos_ma_ea
ppp_ma/dhcpd prm_ssmh/ipv6_nd
ifmgr/ipv6_nd netio


BNG Only (LC based subscribers)

Scale parameter Scale
Access ports GigE/TenGigE
Uplink ports GigE/TenGigE
Scale - PPP session PTA 256k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Scale - IPv4 Sessions 256k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Scale - PPP v6 session 128k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Scale - IP v6 Session 128k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
DS PPPoE 128k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Static Session 8k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)


CPU Utilisation (LC based subscribers; 256k IPv4 Sessions)

HW Type A9K-RSP-440-SE MOD80-SE
Role RSP Subscriber facing line card
Major features LC based IPoE or PPPoE Subscribers (256k) LC based Subscribers, Control and Data plane (64K per LC)
CPU steady state 10% 10-14%
CPU peak 10% 80-90%
Top processes dhcpv6/dhcp prm_server_ty
iedged/ipv4_rib dhcpv6/dhcp
ppp_ma/dhcpd iedged


PWHE With BNG Only (RP based subscribers)

Scale parameter Scale
Generic interafce list members Bundle, GigE/TenGigE
Number of members in a bundle 2
Scale - PPP session PTA 128k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
Scale - IPv4 Sessions 128k (Without any Other BNG Sessions)
PW Scale 1k




Hello all,


Maybe I'm wrong but don't we have the typhoon shaper issue in the scenario that Dimitris mentions?

Since Tyhoon NPU has 32k shapers how could we get 64k users with the previous shaping QoS?

Ahh.. It's actually 1 x NPU per bay so it makes sense..

Peyman Zadmehr


The numbers are really confusing, I have plans to use ASR9912 as a BRAS with this scenario:

1- I have about 360K PPPoE(Single stack) sessions which I want to enable service accounting for 5 Services to each PPPoE Session.

2- I will assign a QoS policy to each PPPoE session for limiting download speed and another QoS policy for limiting the Upload speed.(There is no classification just policing on class-default)

3- I may or may not enable rate-limiting per service

4- I will have plans to enable IPv6 for each session in the future.

Based on what I understood, I cannot use LC-Mode for having Service accounting so I am forced to use RP Mode. I have plan to use ASR9912 with 2xPR2-SE in Active/Standby mode and a Five A99-48x10GE-1GE-SE(Tomahawk Based) and one A99-8x100GE-SE as uplink card.I will use seven Fabric generation 2.

5- The amount of IP traffic will be about 200Gbps

6- Based on Cisco Live documents and your Scaling document, I can have upto 192K pppoe session in RP-Mode if I don't use Service Accounting. If I use Service accounting then this value will be 32K or less. Also since I am using a Tomahawk card I will have 128K per LC since this card has two NPU.

7- Based on above facts and setup is my setup OK? or I must consider another setup?

8- Suppose I am using latest version of IOS XR(7.1.1) 


Thank you for your help and support.


Level 1
Level 1


maximum 64k RP based PPPoE sessions per LC.

maximum 128k RP based PPPoE sessions per BNG

maximum 192k RP based IPoE sessions per BNG !!!

but plan below 80% of maximum in production.

The 24 port LC is more than enough...

Use RSP-880 or RSP-880-LT



just i have a quick question regarding the maximum number of PPOE sessions can cisco ASR9010 (BNG) handle per chassis and LC with 64-Bit IOS-XR.

Thanks in advance, and appreciate your response 

Level 1
Level 1

Hi @Aleksandar Vidakovic 

Can you please share the A9K BNG scaling figures for 5th generation line cards (with RSP5)? Or please share the link if its already posted somewhere.



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