on 10-09-2017 11:39 AM
Cisco Software Manager Server
API Guide
This document describes the programmatic interfaces, RESTful APIs, which are supported by Cisco Software Manager Server (CSM Server).
CSM Server supports a set of finite RESTful APIs. The first step to use these APIs is to acquire an access token using a valid CSM Server username and password. The access token has a time limit of an hour. Once the time expires, the external application must acquire a new access token. Below are examples of how an access token can be acquired.
Example of using curl:
curl -u <username>:<password> http://localhost:5000/api/v1/token
Example of using Python requests (http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/)
import requests
requests.get("http://localhost:5000/api/v1/token", auth=(<username>, <password>))
Sample JSON Response:
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImV4cCI6MTQzMzE4ODcyNiwiaWF0IjoxNDMzMTg4M"
Once an access token is acquired, it will be used as a username for the RESTful APIs. The password should use the string "unused". See the Python Example in section Create Hosts.
The APIs in this document use JSON format as input and output. Some implementations require Content-Type: application/json be set in the HTTP header to work properly.
Table of Contents
4.1 Create Server Repositories. 12
4.2 Get Server Repositories. 14
4.3 Delete Server Repositories. 15
5 Custom Command Profile APIs. 16
5.1 Create Custom Command Profiles. 16
5.2 Get Custom Command Profiles. 17
5.3 Delete Custom Command Profiles. 18
6.3 Get CCO Software Entry. 21
6.4 Get Optimized Software. 22
7 Schedule Installation APIs. 23
7.1 Install Action: Pre-Upgrade, Post-Upgrade, Commit 25
7.3 Install Action: Activate, Remove, Deactivate. 27
7.4 Install Action: FPD-Upgrade. 28
In the Sample Requests in each section, the URL contains the string "localhost:5000". When building your URLs, "localhost" should be replaced with the name or IP address of the server running CSM Server.
Creates hosts on CSM Server. Multiple hosts can be created with one request. If an existing host is specified, it will cause an update in the CSM database. If updating, only the hostname and the new parameters and values are required.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
hostname |
Yes |
string |
50 |
The hostname of the managed host to be created. |
region |
Yes |
string |
100 |
The region the managed host belongs to. The region must exist in the CSM database. |
location |
No |
string |
100 |
The physical location of the host. |
roles |
No |
list |
N/A |
The roles of the managed host. Multiple roles may be specified as additional elements in the list. |
software_profile |
No |
string |
100 |
The software profile that the host is associated with. |
connection_type |
Yes |
string |
N/A |
The connection method to the managed host. It must be either "telnet" or "ssh". |
ts_or_ip |
Yes |
list |
N/A |
The Terminal Server IP or management IP to the managed host. Multiple multiple IPs (active and standby) may be specified as additional elements in the list. |
port_number |
No |
list |
N/A |
The port number to connect to the managed host. Multiple ports (active and standby) may be specified as additional elements in the list. |
username |
No |
string |
50 |
The username to the managed host. |
password |
No |
string |
50 |
The password to the managed host. |
enable_password |
No |
string |
100 |
The enable password of the host. |
jump_host |
No |
string |
100 |
The jump host name for CSM to log into in order to connect to the managed host. The jump host must exist in the CSM database. |
Sample Request:
Single Host Example: |
Multiple Host Example: |
BODY: [{ "hostname": "My Host 1","region": "SJ Labs", "roles": ["PE"], "connection_type": "telnet", "ts_or_ip": [""], "port_number": ["2017","2018"], "username": "cisco", "password": "cisco"}] |
BODY: [{ "hostname": "My Host 1", "region": "SJ Labs", "roles": ["PE"], "connection_type": "telnet", "ts_or_ip": [""], "port_number": ["2017","2018"], "username": "cisco", "password": "cisco" }, { "hostname": "My Host 2", "region": "SJ Labs", "roles": ["PE"], "connection_type": "telnet", "ts_or_ip": [""], "username": "cisco", "password": "cisco" } ] |
Python Example:
import requestspayload = [
{"hostname": "My Host 1", "region": "SJ Labs", "roles": "PE", "connection_type": "telnet", "ts_or_ip": "", "username": "cisco", "password": "cisco"},
{"hostname": "My Host 2", "region": "SJ Labs", "roles": "PE", "connection_type": "telnet", "ts_or_ip": "",
"username": "cisco", "password": "cisco"},
response = requests.post("http://localhost:5000/api/v1/hosts",
auth=(token, "unused"), json=payload)
Sample Response:
{ "api_response": {
"host_list": [{"status": "SUCCESS", "hostname": "My Host 1"},
{"status": "SUCCESS", "hostname": "My Host 2"}]
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
Bad input parameters—check that valid input was given. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
207 |
Some operations in the request failed. |
Returns managed hosts specified by their region and family.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
hostname |
No |
string |
100 |
The hostname of the host to query. |
family |
No |
string |
20 |
The family the managed hosts belong to. (e.g. ASR9K, CRS, NCS1K, NCS5K, NCS5500, NCS6K) |
region |
No |
string |
100 |
The region the managed hosts belong to. |
page |
No |
int |
The page number. Each page returns 1000 entries. |
Sample Request:
http://localhost:5000/api/v1/hosts?region=SJ Labs
http://localhost:5000/api/v1/hosts?region=SJ Labs&page=2
Sample Response:
"api_response": {
"host_list": [
"connection_type": "telnet",
"family": "ASR9K",
"chassis": "ASR-9006",
"os_type": "XR",
"ts_or_ip": [""],
"username": "cisco",
"hostname": "R1",
"jump_host": "",
"port_number": [],
"region": "RTP-SVS",
"roles": ["P"],
"software_platform": "ASR9K",
"software_version": "5.3.0",
"location": "building 20"
"connection_type": "telnet",
"family": "ASR9K",
"chassis": "ASR-9904",
"os_type": "eXR",
"ts_or_ip": [""],
"username": "iox",
"hostname": "R2",
"jump_host": "",
"port_number": [],
"region": "SJ Labs",
"roles": [],
"software_platform": "ASR9K-64",
"software_version": "",
"location": "building 20"
"current_page": 1,
"total_pages": 1
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
Unknown page number; there are fewer results than would require the number of pages input. |
Unknown region; the region provided does not exist in the database. Check that the name was input correctly. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
Deletes a managed host.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
hostname |
Yes |
string |
50 |
The hostname of the managed host to be deleted. |
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
"api_response": {"status": "SUCCESS", "hostname": "Host_1"}
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Server encountered an error. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
Creates jump hosts on CSM Server. Multiple jump hosts can be created with one request. If an existing jump host is specified, it will cause an update in the CSM database. If updating, only the hostname and the new parameters and values are required.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
hostname |
Yes |
string |
100 |
The name of the jump host to be created. |
connection_type |
Yes |
string |
N/A |
Accepted values are "telnet" and "ssh". |
host_or_ip |
Yes |
string |
50 |
Either the hostname of the server or the IP address. |
port_number |
No |
string |
10 |
Optional port number |
username |
No |
string |
50 |
Username for logging on to the host. |
password |
No |
string |
100 |
Password for logging on to the host. |
Sample Request:
[{ "hostname": "Jump_Host_1", "connection_type": "telnet", "host_or_ip": "", "port_number": 5000, "username": "root", "password": "root"
"hostname": "Jump_Host_2", "connection_type": "ssh", "host_or_ip": "my-server", "username": "root", "password": "root"
Sample Response:
{ "api_response": {
"jump_host_list": [{"status": "SUCCESS", "hostname": "Jump_Host_1"},
{"status": "SUCCESS", "hostname": "Jump_Host_2"}]
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
Bad input parameters—check that valid input was given. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
207 |
Some operations in the request failed. |
Returns jump hosts by page.
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
hostname |
No |
string |
100 |
The hostname of the jump host to query. |
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
"api_response": {
"jump_host_list": [
"hostname": "Jump_Host_1", "connection_type": "telnet", "name_or_ip": "", "port": 23, "username": "root"
"hostname": "Jump_Host_2", "connection_type": "ssh", "name_or_ip": "my-server", "username": "root", "port": ""
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
Unknown page number; there are fewer results than would require the number of pages input. |
Unknown region; the region provided does not exist in the database. Check that the name was input correctly. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
Deletes jump hosts on CSM Server.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
hostname |
Yes |
string |
100 |
The name of the jump host to be deleted. |
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
{ "api_response": {"status": "SUCCESS", "hostname": "Jump_Host_1"}
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that DELETE is correct in the http request. |
Bad input parameters—check that valid input was given. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
Creates regions on CSM Server. Multiple regions can be created with one request. If an existing region is specified, it will cause an update in the CSM database. If updating, only the region_name and the new parameters and values are required.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
region_name |
Yes |
string |
100 |
The name of the region to be created. |
server_repositories |
No |
list |
N/A |
A list of server repositories in the region. All server repositories must exist in the CSM database. If a region does not have any server repositories, all server repositories will be available to the region. |
Sample Request:
[{ "region_name": "Region_1", "server_repositories": ["Repository1", "Repository2"]
"region_name": "Region_2"
Sample Response:
{ "api_response": {
"region_list": [{"status": "SUCCESS", "region_name": "Region_1"},
{"status": "SUCCESS", "region_name": "Region_2"}]
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
Bad input parameters—check that valid input was given. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
207 |
Some operations in the request failed. |
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
region_name |
No |
string |
100 |
The name of the region to query |
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
"api_response": {
"region_list": [
"region_name": "Region_1", "server_repositories": ["Repository1", "Repository2"]
"region_name": "Region_2",
"server_repositories": []
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
Unknown region; the region provided does not exist in the database. Check that the name was input correctly. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
Deletes regions on CSM Server. Only regions that have no hosts can be deleted.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
region_name |
Yes |
string |
100 |
The name of the region to be deleted. |
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
{ "api_response": {"status": "SUCCESS", "region_name": "Region_1"}
} OR { "api_response": { "status": "FAILED", "status_message": "Unable to locate region ‘Region_2’" }}
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that DELETE is correct in the http request. |
Bad input parameters—check that valid input was given. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
Creates server repositories on CSM Server. Multiple server repositories can be created with one request. If an existing server repositories is specified, it will cause an update in the CSM database (server_type is not editable). If updating, only the hostname and the new parameters and values are required.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
hostname |
Yes |
string |
100 |
The name of the server repository to be created. |
server_type |
Yes |
string |
20 |
Accepted values are "TFTP", "FTP", "SFTP", “SCP”, and "LOCAL". |
Additional Parameters for Respective Server Types:
server_type |
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
tftp_server_path |
Yes |
string |
100 |
file_directory |
Yes |
string |
100 |
The absolute file path. |
vrf |
No |
string |
100 |
Specify the VRF used for TFTP if any. |
server_address |
Yes |
string |
100 |
home_directory |
Yes |
string |
100 |
The absolute file path. |
vrf |
No |
string |
100 |
Specify the VRF used for FTP if any. |
username |
No |
string |
100 |
password |
No |
string |
100 |
server_address |
Yes |
string |
100 |
home_directory |
Yes |
string |
100 |
The absolute file path. |
username |
No |
string |
100 |
password |
No |
string |
100 |
server_address |
Yes |
string |
100 |
home_directory |
Yes |
string |
100 |
The absolute file path. |
username |
No |
string |
100 |
password |
No |
string |
100 |
destination_on_host |
Yes |
string |
100 |
Example: disk0: |
device_path |
Yes |
string |
100 |
Example: disk0: |
Sample Request:
[{ "hostname": "Repository_1", "server_type": "TFTP", "tftp_server_path": "", "file_directory": "/auto/tftp-sjc-users1", "vrf": "Mgmt-intf"},{ "hostname": "Repository_2", "server_type": "FTP", "server_address": "", "home_directory": "/tftpboot", "vrf": "Mgmt-intf", "username": "root", "password": "root"},{ "hostname": "Repository_3", "server_type": "SFTP", "server_address": "nb-server3", "home_directory": "/auto/tftp-vista", "username": "root", "password": "root"},{ "hostname": "Repository_4", "server_type": "LOCAL", "device_path": "disk0:",}]
Sample Response:
{ "api_response": { "server_repository_list": [ {"status": "SUCCESS", "hostname": "Repository_1"}, {"status": "SUCCESS", "hostname": "Repository_2"}, {"status": "SUCCESS", "hostname": "Repository_3"}, {"status": "SUCCESS", "hostname": "Repository_4"}, {"status": "SUCCESS", "hostname": "Repository_5"}] }}
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
Bad input parameters—check that valid input was given. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
207 |
Some operations in the request failed. |
Returns server repositories by page.
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
hostname |
No |
string |
100 |
The hostname of the server repository to query. |
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
"api_response": {
"server_repository_list": [
"hostname": "Repository_1", "server_url": "", "home_directory": "/home", "server_type": "TFTP", "home_directory": "/home", "vrf": ""
"hostname": "Repository_2", "server_url": "", "home_directory": "/", "server_type": "FTP", "vrf": "" } ]
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
Unknown page number; there are fewer results than would require the number of pages input. |
Unknown region; the region provided does not exist in the database. Check that the name was input correctly. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
Deletes server repositories on CSM Server.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
hostname |
Yes |
string |
100 |
The name of the server repository to be deleted. |
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
{ "api_response": {"status": "SUCCESS", "hostname": "Repository_1"}
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that DELETE is correct in the http request. |
Bad input parameters—check that valid input was given. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
Creates custom command profiles on CSM Server. Multiple profiles can be created with one request. If an existing profile is specified, it will cause an update in the CSM database.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
profile_name |
Yes |
string |
100 |
The name of the custom command profile to be created. |
command_list |
Yes |
list |
N/A |
A list of valid CLI commands. |
Sample Request:
[{ "profile_name": "Profile_1", "command_list": ["show platform", "show install inactive"] }, { "profile_name": "Profile_2", "command_list": ["show platform"] }]
Sample Response:
{ "api_response": { "custom_command_profile_list": [ {"status": "SUCCESS", "profile_name": "Profile_1"}, {"status": "SUCCESS", "profile_name": "Profile_2"}] }}
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
Bad input parameters—check that valid input was given. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
207 |
Some operations in the request failed. |
Returns custom command profiles.
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
profile_name |
No |
string |
100 |
The name of the custom command profile to query. |
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
"api_response": {
"custom_command_profile_list": [
"profile_name": "Profile_1", "command_list": ["show platform", "show install inactive"]
"profile_name": "Profile_2", "command_list": ["show platform"] }] }
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
Unknown region; the region provided does not exist in the database. Check that the name was input correctly. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
Deletes custom command profiles on CSM Server.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
profile_name |
Yes |
string |
100 |
The name of the custom command profile to be deleted. |
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
{ "api_response": {"status": "SUCCESS", "profile_name": "Profile_1"}
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that DELETE is correct in the http request. |
Bad input parameters—check that valid input was given. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have the required permissions. |
Returns the platforms and releases that are displayed under the CCO menu. The platform and release can be used to retrieve software information in other CCO related APIs.
Request Parameters:
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
"api_response": {
"asr9k_px": [
"crs_px": [
"ncs6k": [
"ncs6k_sysadmin": [
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
Returns all software information for a particular release and platform since a particular date (i.e. CCO posted date).
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
platform |
Yes |
string |
N/A |
The platform that is supported by the CCO software catalog, as shown in the get catalog response. |
release |
Yes |
string |
N/A |
The release that is supported by the CCO software catalog, as shown in the get catalog response. |
date |
No |
string |
N/A |
The software (SMU/Service Pack) was posted since this date. The date should be in mm-dd-yyyy format. |
optimal |
No |
string |
N/A |
By default, only optimal software is returned. If this value is "false", it will return all posted software. |
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
"api_response": {
"software_list": [
"impact": "Needs Reboot",
"package_bundles": "asr9k-mini-px",
"compressed_image_size": "4261807",
"posted_date": "04/19/2016 17:14:11 PDT",
"composite_DDTS": [],
"functional_areas": ["QOS"],
"superseded_by": [],
"supersedes": [],
"name": ["asr9k-px-5.3.3.CSCux31992"],
"prerequisites": [],
"ddts": "CSCux31992",
"status": "Posted",
"uncompressed_image_size": "18851717",
"type": "Recommended",
"id": "AA11103",
"description": "nV Edge IRL flap by Bay0 MPA reload, even if we change timeout of UDLD"
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
Returns information related to a specific software item by its name or ID (e.g. a SMU/Sevice Pack/Release Software)
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
name_or_id |
Yes |
string |
N/A |
The software name or ID as defined (e.g. asr9k-p-4.2.3.CSCut30136 or AA09694). |
platform |
Yes |
string |
N/A |
The platform that is supported by the CCO software catalog, as shown in the get catalog response. |
release |
Yes |
string |
N/A |
The release that is supported by the CCO software catalog, as shown in the get catalog response. |
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
"api_response": {
"composite_DDTS": [],
"compressed_image_size": "113616329",
"ddts": "CSCuz05961",
"description": "Link Flaps : Adaptive FEC control algorithm not working in 4x10GE",
"functional_areas": ["ETHER"],
"id": "AA11308",
"impact": "Needs Reboot",
"name": "asr9k-px-5.3.3.CSCuz05961",
"package_bundles": ["asr9k-mini-px"],
"posted_date": "04/27/2016 21:39:38 PDT",
"prerequisites": ["asr9k-px-5.3.3.CSCux24553"],
"status": "Posted",
"superseded_by": [],
"supersedes": ["asr9k-px-5.3.3.CSCtz68435",
"type": "Optional",
"uncompressed_image_size": "181961047"
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
404 |
No results for given input. |
Given a software package list, returns a list of software packages that should be included for a successful installation. This API requires a connection to CCO to resolve software package dependencies. If CCO is not reachable and the dependency information was not previously saved in the database, the software packages submitted may be classified as ‘Unrecognized’. Below are the possible classifications denoted by the key ‘is’ in the API response.
Classification |
Description |
A SMU or Service Pack |
Package |
A software package other than a SMU/SP. |
Pre-requisite |
A SMU that is a pre-requisite which is missing in the API request. |
Superseded |
A SMU that is superseded by another SMU in the resultant list. Superseded SMUs will not be included in the API response. |
Unrecognized |
The software package cannot be classified. Possible reasons include wrong typo or CSM Server cannot connect to CCO to validate it. |
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
software_packages |
Yes |
string |
N/A |
A comma delimited list of software packages. |
Sample Request:
http://localhost:5000/api/v1/cco/get_optimized_software?software_packages= ncs5500-os-support-,ncs5500-dpa-
Sample Response:
"software_list": [
"description": "LWM infra to increase LWM message connect table size from 5k to 30k",
"is": "Pre-requisite",
"software_package": "ncs5500-infra-"
"description": "LWM infra to increase LWM message connect table size from 5k to 30k",
"is": "Pre-requisite",
"software_package": "ncs5500-os-"
. . .
. . .
"description": "Packet drops on punt/inject path of NCS5501 base model",
"is": "SMU/SP",
"software_package": "ncs5500-dpa-"
"description": "default port trap not capturing packets",
"is": "SMU/SP",
"software_package": "ncs5500-dpa-"
Multiple install operations can be specified through one API request. The following pre-defined strings can be used for an install action:
Install Action Strings |
Description |
Pre-Upgrade |
Perform pre-check procedures |
Add |
Add packages to a device |
Activate |
Activate packages on a device |
Post-Upgrade |
Perform post-check procedures |
Commit |
Commit the activated packages |
Remove |
Remove specific packages |
Remove All Inactive |
Remove all inactive packages |
FPD-Upgrade |
Perform FPD upgrade |
Certain install actions have implicit dependency built-in. When multiple install actions are specified for the same host, CSM will enforce an implicit dependency for the following install actions in the order shown below.
Pre-Upgrade ← Add ← Activate ← Post-Upgrade ← Commit
For example, if both Add and Post-Upgrade are scheduled, Add will be a dependency for Post-Upgrade. Until Add is successfully executed, Post-Upgrade will not proceed. Only one install of each install_action can be submitted in a single request per host.
Scheduling an installation involves two phases: validation and creation. In the validation phase, user input will be analyzed, and any requests with invalid or incomplete entries will be reported back to the user for resubmission. The validation phase does not check dependencies, which are calculated in the creation phase. Once all other input in the request is valid, install jobs will be created.
Note: For an example of the format for submitting multiple install operations in a single request, refer to the Multiple Host Example in the Create Host section.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Description |
hostname |
string |
N/A |
The hostname of a managed host. The host must exist in the CSM database. |
install_action |
string |
N/A |
See above table for Install Action Strings. |
scheduled_time |
string |
N/A |
The time this scheduled install should execute. The scheduled time must be in "mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm AM|PM" format. If no scheduled time is given, it will be set to the current time. * hh:mm AM|PM should be between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM. |
server_repository |
string |
N/A |
The server repository where the software packages can be located. The server repository must exist in the CSM database |
server_directory |
string |
N/A |
The relative path from the home directory. |
software_packages |
list |
N/A |
Add: The software package name must be locatable in the designated server repository. Activate: The software package name must appear in the Inactive Package area on the host or an external filename as on CCO. Remove: The software package name must appear in the Inactive Package area on the host. Deactivate: The software package name must appear in the Active Package area on the host. |
utc_offset** |
string |
N/A |
The UTC offset in the form <+|->dd:dd and be between -14:00 and +12:00, e.g. +08:00 or -10:00. |
command_profile |
list |
N/A |
The custom command profile must exist in the CSM database. This parameter is not applicable to "Commit". |
dependency* |
string |
N/A |
Either the ID of the specific install job, or the install_action on which the install should be dependent. |
fpd_location |
string |
N/A |
The line card location for the FPD upgrade. |
fpd_type |
string |
N/A |
The FPD type for the FPD upgrade. |
*In the case that the dependency submitted is an install_action instead of a job ID, the install job will be dependent on the latest-scheduled job of that action type that is scheduled to run earlier than the new job. In the example below, if there are two Add jobs in the database with scheduled_time earlier than the Post-Upgrade, and one Add job scheduled later than the Post-Upgrade, the Post-Upgrade will become dependent on the second of the two earlier jobs.
Dependencies will automatically be computed for jobs that are submitted for the same host in the same request as follows: Pre-Upgrade ← Add ← Activate ← Post-Upgrade ← Commit
**If scheduled_time is submitted, utc_offset is also required.
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
Input format is incorrect; should be a list of JSON objects. |
One or more input parameters is invalid, check the returned status messages. |
One or more submitted jobs was a duplicate. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have required permissions. |
207 |
Some operations in the request failed. |
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
hostname |
Yes |
install_action |
Yes |
scheduled_time |
No |
utc_offset |
No |
command_profile |
No |
dependency |
No |
Sample Request:
"hostname": "R2",
"install_action": "Pre-Upgrade",
"scheduled_time": "06-15-2016 03:15 PM",
"utc_offset": "-07:00",
"command_profile": ["Test Commands"],
"dependency": "118"
Sample Response:
The id can be used for querying the installation status and session logs.
"api_response": {
"install_job_list": [
"status": "SUCCESS",
"id": 134,
"hostname": "R2"
"install_action": "Pre-Upgrade"
"api_response": {
"install_job_list": [
"status": "FAILED",
"scheduled_time": "06-15-2016 03:15 PM",
"hostname": "R2",
"install_action": "Pre-Upgrade",
"command_profile": ["Test Commands"],
"status_message": "Missing utc_offset."
"dependency": "118"
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
hostname |
Yes |
install_action |
Yes |
server_repository |
Yes |
server_directory |
No |
software_packages |
Yes |
scheduled_time |
No |
utc_offset |
No |
dependency |
No |
Sample Request:
"hostname": "R2",
"install_action": "Add",
"scheduled_time": "06-21-2016 07:05 AM",
"utc_offset": "-07:00",
"server_repository": "My_Repository",
"software_packages": ["asr9k-px-5.3.3.CSCuz05961.pie","asr9k-px-5.3.3.CSCux89921.pie","asr9k-px-5.3.3.CSCuy03335.pie"],
"dependency": "2"
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
hostname |
Yes |
install_action |
Yes |
software_packages |
Yes |
scheduled_time |
No |
utc_offset |
No |
dependency |
No |
Sample Request:
"hostname": "R1",
"install_action": "Activate",
"scheduled_time": "06-02-2016 08:00 AM",
"utc_offset": "-07:00",
"software_packages": ["asr9k-px-5.3.3.CSCuz05961.pie","asr9k-px-5.3.3.CSCux89921.pie","asr9k-px-5.3.3.CSCuy03335.pie"],
"dependency": "1"
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
hostname |
Yes |
install_action |
Yes |
scheduled_time |
No |
utc_offset |
No |
fpd_location* |
No |
fpd_type* |
No |
dependency |
No |
*If neither fpd_location nor fpd_type is specified, the install operation will apply to all locations and FPD types.
Sample Request:
"hostname": "R1",
"install_action": "FPD-Upgrade",
"scheduled_time": "06-02-2016 08:00 AM",
"utc_offset": "-07:00",
"fpd_location": "0/RP0",
"fpd_type": "IOFPGA"
Returns JSON data on install jobs specified by the id, host, install_action, or status; or jobs that have scheduled times later than or equal to the submitted scheduled_time. Multiple criteria can be used at the same time. If the submitted request would return more than 5000 entries, and error message will be shown asking the user to further refine the query until it results in fewer than 5000 entries.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
id |
No |
int |
The id of the install job to query. If the id is specified, all other parameters will be ignored. |
hostname |
No |
string |
N/A |
The host the install jobs belong to. |
install_action |
No |
string |
N/A |
The install_action to query. Must be "Pre-Upgrade", "Add", "Activate", "Post-Upgrade", "Commit", "Remove", or "Deactivate". |
status |
No |
string |
N/A |
Acceptable values are "scheduled", "in-progress", "completed", and "failed". |
scheduled_time* |
No |
string |
N/A |
Return entries scheduled on or after the submitted time. The scheduled time must be in "mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm AM|PM" format. * hh:mm AM|PM should be between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM. |
utc_offset** |
No |
string |
N/A |
The UTC offset in the form <+|->dd:dd, e.g. +08:00 or -10:00. |
*If scheduled_time is specified, utc_offset must also be specified.
**If utc_offset is specified, even without a scheduled_time, all time values will be returned in local time rather than GMT.
Sample Request:
http://localhost:5000/api/v1/install?scheduled_time= 08-02-2016 08:00
Sample Response:
"api_response": {
"install_job_list": [
"id": 20,
"install_action": "Add",
"dependency": 19,
"server": "My_Server",
"software_packages": ["asr9k-px-5.3.3.CSCuz05961.pie",
"pending_downloads": "",
"scheduled_time": "Wed, 01 Jun 2016 15:15:00 GMT",
"start_time": "Wed, 01 Jun 2016 15:20:00 GMT",
"status": "scheduled",
"status_time": ""
"trace": "",
"created_by": "root",
"hostname": "R1",
"custom_command_profile": []
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
Unknown page number; there are fewer results than would require the number of pages input. |
Invalid input parameter, i.e. misspelled hostname, etc. Check that all input is correct. |
Missing required parameter, make sure all required parameters are submitted, including utc_offset if providing a scheduled_time. |
"Too many results; please refine your request." The submitted criteria return too many results. The user must further refine the query by changing or adding more parameters to the request. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have required permissions. |
Deletes install jobs specified by the id, host, or status. It will also delete any install jobs dependent on the jobs specified. Only jobs that are scheduled or failed, not in-progress or completed, can be deleted.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
id |
No |
int |
N/A |
The id of the install job to delete. |
hostname |
No |
string |
N/A |
The hostname for which all jobs that are not in-progress should be deleted. |
status |
No |
string |
N/A |
Acceptable values are "failed" or "scheduled". Cannot delete in-progress jobs or completed jobs. |
Sample Request:
Sample Response:
"api_response": {
"install_job_list": [
"deleted_dependencies": [
"hostname": "R2",
"id": 43,
"install_action": "Pre-Upgrade",
"status": "SUCCESS"
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
Invalid value for a parameter. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have required permissions. |
Download the session logs for a particular install job.
Request Parameters:
Parameter |
Required |
Type |
Length |
Description |
id |
Yes |
int |
N/A |
The id of the install job. |
Sample Request:
Receiving zip from response:
The http response will include a zip file containing all of the log files. An example in python for retrieving and extracting that zip file is as follows:
import requests
import zipfile
import io
resp = requests.get("http://localhost:5000/api/v1/install/logs/13",auth=(token, "unused"))
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(resp.content))
except zipfile.BadZipfile:
print "No session logs."
"directory_path" is a string containing the exact path to an existing directory.
Possible Error Codes:
HTTP Code |
Possible Scenario |
400 |
Bad Request; check that POST or GET is correct. |
ID invalid or not specified. |
401 |
Invalid credentials or expired token. |
User does not have required permissions. |
End of Document
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