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Cisco Employee


This document summarises various health checks that can be done on a Cisco VIM pod.



Cloud sanity checks the health status of network, storage and various openstack infrastructure components like mariadb, rabbitmq etc. It helps you determine the sanity of the cloud.


cloud-sanity test can be invoked from the build node.

[root@cvim-cpod-mgmtnode ~]# ciscovim help cloud-sanity
usage: ciscovim cloud-sanity [--id <id>] [--skip-disk-checks] [-y]
<create|delete|list|show> <test|result>

Run cloud-sanity test suite

Positional arguments:
<create|delete|list|show> The control command to perform
<test|result> The identity of the task/action
The sanity check

Optional arguments:
--id <id> ID used to identify specific item to
--skip-disk-checks Flag to skip running disk-checks during
cloud-sanity test
-y, --yes Yes option to perform the action
[root@cvim-cpod-mgmtnode ~]# ciscovim cloud-sanity create test all
| Field | Value |
| command | create |
| created_at | 2020-02-10T08:14:57.583794 |
| id | 4350b7b9-9384-4501-99fa-ae034689b4c6 |
| result | |
| status | not_run |
| test_name | all |
| updated_at | None |

Cloud-sanity takes few minutes to complete. Once it's completed, results of cloud-sanity test can be checked using following commands.


[root@mgmtnode ~]# ciscovim cloud-sanity list test all
| ID | Sanity Check | Status | Created |
| 3512a5f7-2c0c-4172-bc34-87162087cd56 | all | Complete | 2020-02-09 12:49:36 |
| 47f138ce-6dde-4f40-a7f1-f1ea2573786c | all | Complete | 2020-02-10 06:16:40 |
| 4350b7b9-9384-4501-99fa-ae034689b4c6 | all | Running | 2020-02-10 08:14:57 |
[root@mgmtnode ~]# ciscovim cloud-sanity show test all --id 4350b7b9-9384-4501-99fa-ae034689b4c6
Cloud sanity Results
| Role | Task | Result |
| Management | Management - Disk Maintenance RAID Health **************** | PASSED |
| Management | Management - Container Version Check ********************* | PASSED |
| Management | Management - Disk Maintenance VD Health ****************** | PASSED |
| Control | Control - Check RabbitMQ is Running ********************** | PASSED |
| Control | Control - Check RabbitMQ Cluster Status ****************** | PASSED |
| Control | Control - Check RabbitMQ Cluster Size ******************** | PASSED |
| Control | Control - Container Version Check ************************ | PASSED |
| Control | Control - Check MariaDB Cluster Size ********************* | PASSED |
| Control | Control - Ping All Controller Nodes ********************** | PASSED |
| Control | Control - Check Nova Service List ************************ | PASSED |
| Control | Control - Ping Internal VIP ****************************** | PASSED |
| Control | Control - Disk Maintenance RAID Health ******************* | PASSED |
| Control | Control - Disk Maintenance VD Health ********************* | PASSED |
| Compute | Compute - Check Nova Hypervisor List ********************* | PASSED |
| Compute | Compute - Disk Maintenance RAID Health ******************* | PASSED |
| Compute | Compute - Ping All Compute Nodes ************************* | PASSED |
| Compute | Compute - Container Version Check ************************ | PASSED |
| Compute | Compute - Disk Maintenance VD Health ********************* | PASSED |
| CephOSD | CephOSD - Ping All Storage Nodes ************************* | PASSED |
| CephOSD | CephOSD - Check OSD Result Without OSDinfo *************** | PASSED |
| CephOSD | CephOSD - OSD Overall Status ***************************** | PASSED |
| CephOSD | CephOSD - Check OSD Result With OSDinfo ****************** | PASSED |
| CephMon | CephMon - Check Cephmon Status *************************** | PASSED |
| CephMon | CephMon - Ceph Cluster Check ***************************** | PASSED |
| CephMon | CephMon - Check Cephmon Results ************************** | PASSED |
| CephMon | CephMon - Check Cephmon is Running *********************** | PASSED |
[PASSED] Cloud Sanity All Checks Passed










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