11-20-2018 11:13 PM - edited 04-12-2023 08:27 PM
In certain network scenarios where network admin require correctly process exception packets in MAPT inline solution than below document help community to understand ASR9k In-line CGN solution using VSM card.
IN-LINE MAP-T / E deployment using 3rd generation ASR9k line cards and using ASR9k as border relay router.
MAP-T Introduction
Understanding MAP- T Exception Handling
The MAP-T Exception Handling with VSM feature handles fragmented packets, TCP, MSS clamping, path MTU, UDP and ICMP packets. Depending on the header details of the fragmented packets, the CGN application directly interacts with the line cards to process or forward the packets to VSM.
Note: When MAP-T is configured for exception handling with VSM, the static route details are automatically configured with Service App details. No manual configuration is required to configure the static routes.
Reference manuals & Hardware Supported
MAP-T Topology Overview
MAP Components
Provider make sure that customer CPE is capable to perform NAT44 operations. Without such capable CPEs, this solution is not possible.
Types of exception packets handled
Note: Only default vrf is supported for MapT exception handling feature
Interface ServiceInfra : Configure serviceInfra interface
Interface ServiceApp : Configure service App interfaces for each ipv4 and ipv6
Service cgv6 <service-name> : Configure CGv6 service name
Under each Map-T instance, configure :
Sample Config
Show run interface serviceapp *:
interface ServiceApp1
ipv4 address
service cgv6 cgn123 service-type map-t-cisco
interface ServiceApp2
ipv6 address 2345::8/64
service cgv6 cgn123 service-type map-t-cisco
Show run interface serviceinfra *
interface ServiceInfra1
ipv4 address
service-location 0/3/CPU0
Show run interface TenGigE0/2/0/5/9:
interface TenGigE0/2/0/5/9
ipv4 address
ipv6 address 2001::1/64
load-interval 30
Service CGv6 Configuration:
service cgv6 cgn123
service-location preferred-active 0/3/CPU0
service-inline interface TenGigE0/2/0/5/9
service-type map-t-cisco map1
address-family ipv4
interface ServiceApp1
tcp mss 335
path-mtu 1200
address-family ipv6
interface ServiceApp2
tcp mss 1254
path-mtu 1500
cpe-domain ipv4 prefix length 24
cpe-domain ipv6 vrf default
cpe-domain ipv6 prefix length 48
sharing-ratio 256
contiguous-ports 16
cpe-domain-name cpe0 ipv4-prefix ipv6-prefix 2301:0:1122::
ext-domain-name ext1 ipv6-prefix 6301:d01:1122::/48 ipv4-vrf default
Show Commands
sh int te 0/2/0/5/9 accounting :
Protocol Pkts In Chars In Pkts Out Chars Out
IPV4_UNICAST 119429796 141175259448 57549767 25454289540
IPV6_UNICAST 57573860 26617932084 119419021 144497009720
IPV6_MULTICAST 7 472 0 0
IPV6_ND 20 1600 24 1920
sh int serviceapp * accounting
Protocol Pkts In Chars In Pkts Out Chars Out
IPV4_UNICAST 8141 3485668 193852302 229133420964
Protocol Pkts In Chars In Pkts Out Chars Out
IPV6_UNICAST 193856659 234566557390 8148 3718740
show cgv6 map-t-cisco map1 statistics
Map-t-cisco IPv6 to IPv4 counters:
Translated Udp Count: 652567655
Translated Tcp Count: 0
Translated Icmp Count: 0
PSID Drop Udp Count: 0
PSID Drop Tcp Count: 0
PSID Drop Icmp Count: 0
Map-t-cisco IPv4 to IPv6 counters:
Translated Udp Count: 0
Translated Tcp Count: 0
Translated Icmp Count: 0
PSID Drop Udp Count: 0
PSID Drop Tcp Count: 0
PSID Drop Icmp Count: 0
Map-t-cisco exception IPv6 to IPv4 counters:
TCP Incoming Count: 0
TCP NonTranslatable Drop Count: 0
TCP Invalid NextHdr Drop Count: 0
TCP NoDb Drop Count: 0
TCP Translated Count: 0
TCP Psid Drop Count: 0
UDP Incoming Count: 126796
UDP NonTranslatable Drop Count: 0
UDP Invalid Next Hdr Drop Count: 0
UDP No Db Drop Count: 0
UDP Translated Count: 126796
UDP Psid Drop Count: 0
ICMP Total Incoming Count: 0
ICMP No DB Drop Count: 0
ICMP Fragment drop count: 0
ICMP Invalid NxtHdr Drop Count: 0
ICMP Nontanslatable Drop Count: 0
ICMP Nontanslatable Fwd Count: 0
ICMP UnsupportedType Drop Count: 0
ICMP Err Translated Count: 0
ICMP Query Translated Count: 0
ICMP Psid Drop Count: 0
Map-t-cisco IPv6 to IPv4 counters:
Translated Udp Count: 652567655
Translated Tcp Count: 0
Translated Icmp Count: 0
PSID Drop Udp Count: 0
PSID Drop Tcp Count: 0
PSID Drop Icmp Count: 0
Map-t-cisco IPv4 to IPv6 counters:
Translated Udp Count: 0
Translated Tcp Count: 0
Translated Icmp Count: 0
PSID Drop Udp Count: 0
PSID Drop Tcp Count: 0
PSID Drop Icmp Count: 0
Map-t-cisco exception packets IPv4 to IPv6 counters:
TCP Incoming Count: 0
TCP No Db Drop Count: 0
TCP Translated Count: 0
TCP Psid Drop Count: 0
UDP Incoming Count: 2134370
UDP No Db Drop Count: 0
UDP Translated Count: 2134370
UDP FragmentCrc Zero Drop Count: 0
UDP CrcZeroRecy Sent Count: 0
UDP CrcZeroRecy Drop Count: 0
UDP Psid Drop Count: 0
ICMP Total Incoming Count: 0
ICMP No Db Drop Count: 0
ICMP Fragment drop count: 0
ICMP UnsupportedType Drop Count: 0
ICMP Err Translated Count: 0
ICMP Query Translated Count: 0
ICMP Psid Drop Count: 0
Subsequent Fragment Incoming Count: 264661768
Subsequent Fragment No Db Drop Count: 0
Subsequent Fragment Translated Count: 264661768
Subsequent Fragment Drop Count: 0
Subsequent Fragment Throttled Count: 0
Subsequent Fragment Timeout Drop Count: 36
Subsequent Fragment TCP Input Count: 0
Subsequent Fragment UDP Input Count: 2134370
Subsequent Fragment ICMP Input Count: 0
Options Incoming Count: 0
Options Drop Count: 0
Options Forward Count: 0
Options No DB drop Count: 0
Unsupported Protocol Count: 0
ICMP generated counters :
IPv4 ICMP Messages generated count: 0
IPv6 ICMP Messages generated count: 0
Troubleshooting tips
Note :Depending on the number of MAP instances configured we will see those many 1001 and 3001 (These are for the default classes). 5001 values gets incremented accordingly when we keep adding the CPE-DOMAINS i.e say if we add one more CPE-Domain we will see in the above table additional NAME as CGN_5002 with VIdx 5002. Similarly the 7001 value gets incremented when we keep adding additional EXT-DOMAINS.
Note: If the pkt is dropping in the inline interface and if the Map stats cli is not showing incremental counters than above CLI to be use to know which drop counters are increasing.If drop counters is MAPE v4 to v6 drop/MAPE v6 to v4 drop, then it can be issue with, Wrong PSID, wrong ipv6 source port, wrong ipv4 destination port, etc..
Apart than other drop counters, Counters to specifically monitor for MAP operations health are :
RSV_OPEN_NETWORK_SERVICE_TRIGGER_SVC --> It Implies the pkts have hit our service.
VIRTUAL_IF_PROTO_IPV4_UCST_INPUT_CNT --> Implies that the V6 pkts have been translated to V4
VIRTUAL_IF_PROTO_IPV6_UCST_INPUT_CNT --> Implies that the V4 pkts have been translated to V6
PARSE_OPEN_NETWORK_SERVICE_SVC_LKUP --> Pkt counts which got processed after the service lookup.
If the packets are getting dropped in the egress port, then verify whether the map-e statistics are getting incremented. If they are getting incremented, then the translated address has got dropped. Check the route is present in routing table for the translated address.
Note: If map-e statistics is not getting incremented, then the translation has not happened and the normal unicast packet has been forwarded to the egress. Here, in case of ipv4 address, need to check the destination address and the cpe-domain are in the same subnet.
Note: Above documented TS tips help an individual to undestand the problem. Based on this data you can log a case with Cisco TAC for further assessment if in case user unable to fix the problem by self.
To connect to virtual host use root/rootroot .
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ROUTER#show virtual-service list
Virtual Service List:
Service Name Status Package Name Node Name
Mapt Activated asr9k-vsm-cgv6- 0/1/CPU0
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ROUTER#virtual-service connect name Mapt console node 0/1/CPU0
Connected to
Escape sequence is '^^e'.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga)
Kernel 2.6.18-128.el5 on an x86_64
localhost.localdomain login: root
Password: rootroot
[root@localhost ~]# cd /var/log/cgv6/
[root@localhost cgv6]# pwd
[root@localhost cgv6]# p2mp_debugger
Dump options:
0 -> Policy
1 -> Main DB
2 -> User DB
3 -> Hashes DB
4 -> VRF Map
5 -> Summary DB
6 -> Dump Statistics
7 -> Clear Statistics
8 -> Dump node counter
9 -> Clear node counter
10 -> Dump CNAT counter
11 -> Dump Virtual Assembly (VA)
12 -> Show Configuration
13 -> Show Netflow V9 Configuration
14 -> Show Inside VRF Information
15 -> Show Outside VRF Information
16 -> Logging util test
17 -> Configure PD/PI/L2 Debug Level
18 -> Dump PD/P2/L2 Debug Level
19 -> Set Traffic Flags
22 -> Dump Main DB Summary
23 -> Dump User DB Summary
25 -> Dump Timeout DB Summary
27 -> Set bulk size for nat44
28 -> Dump bulk port statistics
29 -> Clear bulk port statistics
30 -> Show bulk port allocation for subscriber
Enter dump option <0-30>:8 <------- option 8 to dump cgn node counters
Enter the coremask in hex: ffffffffffff
Dump_option: 8, core_mask : FFFFFFFFFFFF
[root@localhost cgv6]#
Core1: NODE Counter dump
Node Counters
injected and forwarded: 5965
Forwarded to INFRA: 3501
Forwarded to MAPT_CISCO: 2464
Infra to CLI: 8250
Infra to Data path Test: 2855
HA Packets(DP TX) injected: 2855
Infra L3 Tx injected and forwa: 646
Forwarded for FIB lookup: 2855
xclsfr6 v4 tcp frag: 2464
CNAT config messages processed: 646
Scan timer callback invoked: 1423132
Xmit - v4 to_v6 tcp: 2464
v4_frag_tcp: 2464
Exception Traffic Flow:
Detail Config sample information is available on below CCO link:
good one and its very useful...
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