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Satyendra Jaiswal
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


This document describes the procedure to configure PID Reservation, Program Remap, PID and Program Filtering using the RFGW10 GUI in SQC release.


Configuring the PID Reservation:

PID reservation is a feature to ensure that the remapped sessions does not use PIDs in the reserved PID range. There are some limitations to PID reservations like minimum 2048 PID should be left unreserved, a maximum of 2 ranges can be configured, PIDs should lie in the range 256 to 8175 and PID range overlap is not allowed.


To Configure Go to Video -> Video Reserved-PID

To reserve the PIDs Enter Minimum and Maximum PID ranges and click on apply.



Configuring and Verifying the MPTS RemapSession:

MPTS Remap is a feature by which an output program number can be assigned to a program in the local unicast/multicast input MPTS stream to setup a remapped MPTS session. All the programs for which an output program number is not explicitly mentioned will be dropped at the input. Using this feature at the QAM sub interface mode a maximum of 64 input programs from a local unicast/multicast MPTS can be remapped to different output program numbers.


To Configure the Remap Sessions, we need to go to Video-> Local Session -> Line card on which the remap session to be configured in this example DS384  3-> RF Port -> QAM Channel. In below example we are configuring MPTS Remap Session and we are mapping only 3 Programs.

Step 1: Configure the Sessions per channel. Maximum 1 session per channel can be configured.



Step 2: Select the input type to be Multicast and then select the multicast labels. Here we are selecting ssmmpts2.




Step 3: Select the start value for I/P and O/P Program Number and also the increment value of I/P and O/P Program Number. In this example, we have selected the Start value for I/P program number is 2 and O/P program number is 3. Increment value selected 1 for I/P and O/P.




In the below example I/P Program number 2 and 3 are showing red because O/P program number 3 and 4 are already in use.




So we change the O/P program numbers to 8, 6 and 7 and click on apply.




Step 4: To verify the remapped session go to Local Session and select the Line Card and click on details and then click on the particular Session ID.




We can see that input side we had 4 Programs 2,3,4 and 5.




But on the output we have only 8,6 and 7 because we had selected to remap only 3 programs.




Configuring and Verifying PID and Program Filtering:

PID Filtering feature allows the user to filter the well known PIDs in the local unicast/multicast passthrough session. Filtering happens on at the output, this ensures that user can filter different PIDs on different cloned sessions.


Program filtering feature when used at the QAM sub interface mode allows the user to filter programs from the local unicast/multicast passthrough session. Filtering happens at the output, this ensures that user can filter different programs on different cloned sessions. While dropping a program all the PIDs associated with that program are dropped.


To configure PID and Program Filtering go to that particular QAM channel in Filtering. In the below example we see that Program Filter is grayed out because for remapped session program filtering is not possible. Program filtering can be done only in Pass Thru sessions.




Here we will select session ID 201394993 for our configuration example.

Step 1: Let's check which PIDs are available for session id 201394993.




Step 2: Filtering the PID in PID filter box.

Let’s try to filter PID 129. Make the entry 129 in PID filter box of session id 201394993 and click on apply.




Step 3: To verify, click on the session id and look in to output Session Information. We can see that PID Filter has Value 129.




In the same way, we can do Program Filtering. Below is configuration example of PID and Program Filtering.




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