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Nitin Pabbi
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

1) What is CSM and how does it work?

CSM (Cisco Software Manager) Aka SMU manager is a java based application which helps user for software management on ASR9000/NCS6k and CRS routers.
This application remains in sync over public infrastructure with for up to date information. No user interference required for CSM sync with software manager database.
With the help of CSM application, user gets SMU (Software Maintenance Unit) and SP (Service pack) recommendations on specific release with almost negligible efforts and avoid manual efforts for SMU/SP recommendations on a specific release.
User can use CSM for SMU or SP installation on standalone or multiple routers at the same time.
For more details about CSM with user guide, please refer below link.
Download CSM:

2) What is SMU?

SMU (Software Maintenance Unit) is bug fix (DDTS fix) or software patch in for of "PIE" (Package Installation Envelope) which is provided on per release and per component basis to specific platform.
Since IOS XR base code is common for ASR9000, NCS6000 and CRS but SMU for either of these platforms are not applicable to other platform boxes.
Note: - SMU are not applicable for feature requests. Engineering team does not provide any new feature on any specific release through SMU. Such feature requests are entertain through Feature packs and this forum is not covering Feature pack details.
For more details please refer below link:-
3) What is Service Pack (SP)?
SP (Service Packs) is bundle of multiple SMUs and deliver as a single PIE. This helps user by avoiding number of SMUs belongs to specific release with a single Service pack package PIE.
For more details please refer below link :-


4) Benefits of CSM

i)  No need to go to for appropriate SMU/SP search.
ii) With the help of CSM APP user can save time in SMU/SP searching for specific release and get maximum information about it in short interval.
iii) User can easily create report of recommended or optional SMU packages for specific release.
IV)  Its helpful in appropriate software selection by navigates multiple releases at same time to know image maturity through software fixes.
v)  Hassle free download or upload SMU/SP PIEs on single or multiple boxes at the same time.
5) How to create a Recommended SMU report?

1) Click on CSM application shortcut on your desktop to start the app.

2) Click on "Open tab" drop down button. You will find 3 options:-

a) Platform and Release

b) CLI Source

c) Optimize List

a) Platform and Release:-

When you click on this tab you will get a window on left side of CSM panel. You can find drop down menu option to select platform and type of release.

Once you select an Image i.e. 5.2.2. You get list of optional and recommended SMUs

You can also find another tab of "Service packs" aside to "SMUs" Tab. If the release has SPs release then SP tab will appear consisting required data.

On Right side corner you will find option to "Download selected SMUs" at your system repository for further record or to upload it to your router.

b) CLI Source

When you click on tab "CLI Source" then page will appear to enter "show install active summary" output.

Once you paste the output then click "next" button. You will get complete information about:-

1) Total Number of SMUs/SPs are installed.

2) Out of which how many are "Optional" and "Recommended"

3) You can generate Conformance Report of this output for your reference. By clicking on "Conformance Report" button at Bottom right corner of CSM panel.

4) You can generate "Recommended SMUs" Report which is not installed on your router. Click on "type" column for sorting "Recommended" & "Optional" SMUs.

You need to click on "drop down icon" button at right side of panel and select "Export SMU Information"

5) Once you click on "Export SMU information" then select "Export not installed SMUs" and then select “Concise Layout" for data in desired format.

6) Once you click on "continue" you will be asked the storage location to save the data.



Nitin Pabbi

Level 1
Level 1


is there a version 3.3 for CSM that runs under Windows 7?

Nitin Pabbi
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


version 3.3 is CSM sever for Linux which has Python dependencies and not for windows.

For windows you can use CSM2.0.

for CSM server you can link :-


Nitin Pabbi

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