I need to get outside the building the WiFi to give service to parking.
Customer has AIR-CAP2602e and some AIR-ANT2506 with coax extension cable.
Is it possibile to use this Antenna with AP2602?
Hello everybody,
I just upgraded Jabber for Windows fror 15.5 to 11.7 and now I'm not able to connect to my IMP server.The error is 'Unable to contact server' either in DNS mode, either with specific IP Address.IMP
Hi everybody. I'm installing MP7 with 3545 as MS with one Audio Blade and 2 Video Blades. I registered the Video on AudioBlade. I cannot able to do video conferencing. Have anyone a detailed procedure to configure MS and prefix?Thanks
The correct release are 11.5.0 Build 26858 and 11.7.On some PCs the release 11.5.0 Build 26858 is working, but the 11.7 is not working at all.
All the others points are checked and are correct.