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CCW Quote API - not filtered by CCO_ID

Level 1
Level 1

Dear Sir or Madam,


I'm working on a native desktop application which basically gets every Quote (+ all the products connected to it) a user has created or has access to.


The responses i get from Quote API looks like this:


                        <p:Description type="ShareAccessKey">XXXXXX</p:Description>
                            <p:Code listName="QuoteStatus" listAgencyName="Cisco">Approval In Progress</p:Code>
                        <p:Party role="End Customer">
                                    <p:AddressLine sequence="1">XXXXXX</p:AddressLine>
                            <p:ID schemeAgencyName="Cisco">XXXXXX</p:ID>
                                        <oa:Description>Global Price List - EMEA</oa:Description>
                            <p:Amount typeCode="DealConsumption">XXXXXX</p:Amount>
                            <p:Amount typeCode="DealTotal">XXXXXX</p:Amount>
                            <p:Text typeCode="DealType">XXXXXX</p:Text>
                            <p:Text typeCode="IntendedUse">XXXXXX</p:Text>

2 questions/problems have arisen while trying to process this data:


First of all, I'm getting a set of about ~100 quotes from this response.

The User who requested the access Token to call the API has access to exactly one quote. I can't see all these quotes in the CCW tool. The documentation says very clearly that this shouldn't happen. 




So how can i really only get the Quotes my user has access to? I can't filter the data afterwards because the response is unpersonalized.


After i've successfully done that, i'd need to get every product (+ price, quantity, etc.) contained in these quotes. Would i use another API for that?
Apparently "Aquire Quote" in the same API does something like this but i'm very unsure if this is exactly what i want.


Thank you very much in advance. I hope you have a nice day!  


Best Regards,


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