This tutorial will teach you how to change assigment from Partner Holding Smart Account to Customer Smart Account (SA)
This tutorial will teach you how to change assigment from Partner Holding Smart Account to Customer Smart Account (SA)
This presentation talks about the Redirection Capabilities.
Discover how to group Virtual Accounts with Virtual Account Tagging to save time and organize your Smart Account.
This Quick Reference Guide will cover Smart Licenses Overview, Benefits of Smart Licenses, How to Access Smart Licenses and How to Manage Smart Licenses.
This video tutorial provides an overview of Smart Accounts including the different types of Smart Accounts, benefits and best practices. A short demo is included.
After revewing this presentation, you will be able to understand about Smart Acoount Roles or Customers and Partners.
On this presentation we will cover how to get a Smart Account in Cisco Software Central (CSC), how to set up you Smart Account in CSC, and how to get access to an Existing Smart Account.
A comprehensive guide to understand all about My Cisco Entitlements: benefits, actual and upcoming features, etc.
A comprehensive guide to understand all about My Cisco Entitlements: benefits, actual and upcoming features, etc.
A comprehensive guide to understand all about My Cisco Entitlements: benefits, actual and upcoming features, etc.
A comprehensive guide to understand all about My Cisco Entitlements: benefits, actual and upcoming features, etc.
A comprehensive guide to understand all about My Cisco Entitlements: benefits, actual and upcoming features, etc.
A comprehensive guide to understand all about My Cisco Entitlements: benefits, actual and upcoming features, etc.
A comprehensive guide to understand all about My Cisco Entitlements: benefits, actual and upcoming features, etc.
A comprehensive guide to understand all about My Cisco Entitlements: benefits, actual and upcoming features, etc.
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