dear all,
In my sg300 switch I configured the gi port as trunk:
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1
no spanning-tree portfast
no spanning-tree bpduguard
however the 'trunk allowed vla add 1' line generate error, i think because vlan 1 is the default, when i check the port it shows trunk, and it is operate well.
But wehen i show running-config it shows only this:
interface gigabitethernet1
no spanning-tree portfast
Why is the switchport mode trunk and the trunk allowed commands missing in the running-config? However I have another trunk port with allowed vlan 1,3, that is included partly in the running-config, but there is no switchport mode trunk
interface gigabitethernet52
no spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree port-priority 16
switchport trunk allowed vlan add 3
Is the trunk the base config, so it is left by default?
thank you