Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



1. はじめに

Cisco Security Manager(CSM) にて、何かしらの問題が発生し CSM backup file を利用して過去の CSM database の状態にリストアする場合がございます。本 topic では、この CSM リストア方法について紹介いたします。


2. リストア方法

2-1. コマンドプロンプトより net stop crmdmgtd コマンドを実行し CSM サービスを停止させます。

C:\>net stop crmdmgtd 

2-2. 以下がリストアのコマンド書式となります。

C:\>NMSROOT\bin\perl NMSROOT\bin\restorebackup.pl [-t temporary directory] [-gen generationNumber] [-d backup directory] [-h] 


C:\Program Files\CSCOpx\bin>C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx\bin\perl C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx\bin\restorebackup.pl -d C:\Temp 
Restore started at : 2009/09/21 09:04:49
Please see 'C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx\log\restorebackup.log' for status.

USER ID is ..................................... : Administrator
OS of the backup archive is..................... : Windows
Generation to be restored is ................... : 0
Backup taken from............................... : C:\Temp
Common Services version in the backup data is... : 3.1.1

Common Services is installed in................. : C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx
The temp folder for this restore program........ : C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx\tempBackupData
Applications installed on this machine ......... : [Common Services][aus][vms]
Applications in the backup archive ............. : [Common Services][aus][vms]
Applications to be restored are................. : [Common Services] [aus][vms]
req_nms_space ...................... : 2734563794
req_temp_space ...................... : 4004774354

Available disk space in NMSROOT................. : 62161104 Kb
Required disk space in NMSROOT.................. : 6581384 Kb
(The temp and NMSROOT are on same device, therefore this required disk space includes temp space)

Copying the backup files to the temporary location [C:\PROGRA~1\CSCOpx\tempBackupData]
preRestore of [Common Services] has started.
preRestore of [Common Services] has completed.

preRestore of [aus] has started.
preRestore of [aus] has completed.

preRestore of [vms] has started.
preRestore of [vms] has completed.

doRestore of [Common Services] has started.

License check started.

WARNING: The license details in the server are different from the backup data. After restoring, please check the license available in the server.

License check completed.

Restoring certificate.

WARNING: Cannot evaluate the hostname, hence the certificate may be from this host or another host.

[ Certificate not overwritten ]

Restored Certificate.

Restoring Common Services database.
Restored Common Services database.

Restoring CMIC data.
Restored CMIC data.

Restoring CMC data.
Restored CMC data.

Restoring Security Settings.
Restored Security Settings.

Restoring DCR data.
Restored DCR data.

Restoring Certificate key store.
Restored Certificate key store.

Restoring JAAS configuration.
Restored JAAS configuration.

JRM Job Migration started.
JRM job Migration done.

doRestore of [Common Services] has completed.

doRestore of [aus] has started.
doRestore of [aus] has completed.

doRestore of [vms] has started.
doRestore of [vms] has completed.

postRestore of [Common Services] has started.
postRestore of [Common Services] has completed.

postRestore of [aus] has started.
postRestore of [aus] has completed.

postRestore of [vms] has started.
postRestore of [vms] has completed.

Restored successfully.

※ もし、CSM が Program Files x(86) にインストールされている場合、以下の書式となります。

C:\PROGRA~2\CSCOpx\bin\perl C:\PROGRA~2\CSCOpx\bin\restorebackup.pl -d c:\Temp  

2-3. もし、あるディレクトリの中に backup file が複数あり最新のものでリストアしたい場合、以下のコマンドでリストア可能です。

C:\>NMSROOT\bin\restorebackup.pl -d backup directory 


C:\>NMSROOT\bin\restorebackup.pl -d drive:\var\backup\ 

2-4. リストア時のログは以下に保存されます。


2-5. リストア完了後、net start crmdmgtd コマンドで CSM サービスを起動させます。

C:\>net start crmdmgtd 


3. 参考情報



Last reviewed on Dec 31, 2017 by toishika 

Getting Started


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