16.9.1より従来の PAK (プロダクトアクティベーションキー)から Smart Licenseへ変更となりました。
Smart License で CSSM(Cisco Smart Software Manager) へ接続する際の設定例を紹介します。
service call-home
! If contact email address in call-home is configured as sch-smart-licensing@cisco.com
! the email address configured in Cisco Smart License Portal will be used as contact email address to send SCH notifications.
contact-email-addr sch-smart-licensing@cisco.com
profile "CiscoTAC-1"
destination transport-method http
no destination transport-method email
destination address http https://tools.cisco.com/its/service/oddce/services/DDCEService
! alternatively, if you cannot resolve DNS, then you can replace the above as below
destination address http
1. CSSM へ直接接続する場合
本設定例では vlan100 を使用して CSSM と接続します。
ip routing
license smart enable
! to enable smart licensing
license smart transport callhome
! call-home is the transport method used
interface Vlan100
ip address
! L3 SVI config
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
! Ensure http client source interface can reach tools.cisco.com and port 443 is open.
ip http client source-interface Vlan100
! http is used to communicate via call-home therefore we must define the http client interface
ip route
! IP Routing
CSSM でトークンを発行します。
license smart register idtoken <id token>
2. CSSMS(Cisco Smart Software Manager Satellite server) を介して接続する場合
ライセンス管理のために Cisco Cloud に直接接続する代わりにプロキシサーバを使用したい場合は、Cisco Smart Software Manager Satellite サーバを実装する必要があります。
HTTP を使用する場合
profile "CiscoSatelliteHTTP"
reporting smart-licensing-data
destination transport-method http
no destination transport-method email
destination address http http://<ip address of the proxy server>/Transportgateway/services/DeviceRequestHandler
HTTPS を使用する場合
You will need to get the Common name (CN) first by following this steps:
1 - Login into CSSMS device
2 - Open a web browser and go to https://satellite-ip/Transportgateway
3 - Select view Certificate
4 - Copy the Common name (CN)
Then configure or modify the following profile:
profile "CiscoSatelliteHTTPS"
reporting smart-licensing-data
destination transport-method http
no destination transport-method email
destination address http https://C-Name/Transportgateway/services/DeviceRequestHandler
** or **
destination address http https://C-Name/Transportgateway/
Afterwards, verify if SLA trustpoint revocation-check is configured or not. Default is "revocation-check crl".
Disable if revocation-check is configured as the CSSMS is local and is always trusted, so revocation checks are not required.
conf t
crypto pki trustpoint SLA-TrustPoint
enrollment terminal
revocation-check none
Finally, proceed with configuring the device token.
その他: Catalyst スイッチ (IOS / IOS-XE): 設定例