Sep 17 03:10:29.339: %PM_SCP-SP-2-LCP_FW_ERR_INFORM: Module 2 is experiencing the following error: Pinnacle #0, Frames with Bad Header Checksum on DBus (PI_CI_S_HDR_FCS -0xC5) = 65535 Mar 13 12:18:23: %PM_SCP-SP-2-LCP_FW_ERR_INFORM: Module 2 is experiencing the following error: Inline Power Module - PS voltage bad
Mar 9 12:12:24.427 GMT: %PM_SCP-SP-2-LCP_FW_ERR_INFORM: Module 6 is experiencing the following error: Pinnacle #0 PB parity error. Tx path. Status=0x0042
Aug 8 22:16:32.384 JST: %PM_SCP-SP-2-LCP_FW_ERR_INFORM: Module 7 is experiencing the following error: LTL Parity error detected on Coil #2.