このドキュメントでは、CMX を CLI のコマンドを用いてバージョンアップする手順を説明しています。
1) cmxadmin ユーザで CLI にログインします
※ root ユーザではコマンドが正しく動作しない場合がありますので、cmxamdin ユーザでの実行をお願いします。
2) バージョンアップに用いる .cmx ファイルを予めダウンロードしておき、CMX の /tmp または /home/cmxadmin へコピーします
※ FTP Client を利用する場合は、binary オプションを忘れないようご注意下さい。
3) MD5 をチェックしファイルが正しくコピーできているかの確認をします
4) 'cmxos upgrade <.cmx filename>' コマンドによりバージョンアップを行います
CMX 10.3.0 から CMX 10.3.1 へバージョンアップする際の動作例となります。
[cmxadmin@localhost ~]$ pwd
[cmxadmin@localhost ~]$ ls
[cmxadmin@localhost ~]$ md5sum CISCO_CMX-10.3.1-35.cmx
5f23085354179471822cc1b9a924d8ef CISCO_CMX-10.3.1-35.cmx
[cmxadmin@localhost ~]$ cmxos upgrade CISCO_CMX-10.3.1-35.cmx
A backup is recommended before doing an upgrade.
Do you want to continue with the upgrade?: yes
** Placing new cmx file to image location
** Found High Availability configuration
** HA - Primary Not Configured
** Checking new image integrity
** Checking new image file format
Image file format looks good....continue...
** Checking new image file version
New CMX version is: 10.3.1-35
Cannot find old CMX file...Assuming upgrade...
Old CMX version is: 10.0.0-0
Version test passed...continue...
** Checking new image file md5 sum
MD5 matched...continue...
** Stopping CMX services.
** Finished starting CMX services.
The nodeagent service is currently running with PID: 17526
| Host | Service | Status | Uptime (HH:mm) |
| localhost.localdomain | Analytics | Running | 0 days, 00:02 |
| localhost.localdomain | Cache_6378 | Running | 0 days, 00:06 |
| localhost.localdomain | Cache_6379 | Running | 0 days, 00:02 |
| localhost.localdomain | Cache_6380 | Running | 0 days, 00:03 |
| localhost.localdomain | Cache_6381 | Running | 0 days, 00:03 |
| localhost.localdomain | Cache_6382 | Running | 0 days, 00:03 |
| localhost.localdomain | Cache_6383 | Running | 0 days, 00:03 |
| localhost.localdomain | Cache_6385 | Running | 0 days, 00:03 |
| localhost.localdomain | Cassandra | Running | 0 days, 00:06 |
| localhost.localdomain | Confd | Running | 0 days, 00:02 |
| localhost.localdomain | Configuration | Running | 0 days, 00:02 |
| localhost.localdomain | Connect | Running | 0 days, 00:02 |
| localhost.localdomain | Consul | Running | 0 days, 00:06 |
| localhost.localdomain | Database | Running | 0 days, 00:06 |
| localhost.localdomain | Haproxy | Running | 0 days, 00:02 |
| localhost.localdomain | Hyperlocation | Running | 0 days, 00:01 |
| localhost.localdomain | Influxdb | Running | 0 days, 00:03 |
| localhost.localdomain | Iodocs | Running | 0 days, 00:03 |
| localhost.localdomain | Location | Running | 0 days, 00:02 |
| localhost.localdomain | Matlabengine | Running | 0 days, 00:01 |
| localhost.localdomain | Metrics | Running | 0 days, 00:02 |
| localhost.localdomain | Nmsplb | Running | 0 days, 00:01 |
| localhost.localdomain | Qlesspyworker | Running | 0 days, 00:03 |
** Redis cleanup for analytics.
** Upgrade completed successfully.
[cmxadmin@localhost ~]$