Kunitaka Matsumura
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



Wave2 APをMSE 8.0 でサポートする為のパッチのインストール手順について説明します。
適用対象 MSE のバージョンは です。
このパッチの適用により、クライアント、RFID タグのトラッキングが AP1800、2800、3800 を利用時に可能になります。
※ にはこのパッチの修正は含まれておりますので、 へ適用する必要はございません。


 以下の CCO サイトより入手できる 8_0_140_0_Wave2APsPatch.zip に同封されています。
 'Download Software, Mobility Services Engine Virtual Appliance'
   ( All Releases より、 を選択して下さい。)

インストール 手順

  1. root ユーザで MSE にログインしパッチファイルを /opt/installers フォルダにコピーし tar.gz ファイルを展開します。
    cd /opt/installers
    tar zxvf Wave2APsPatch-201704051742.tar.gz
    cd /opt/installers/Wave2APsPatch
  2. README ファイルに従ってパッチを適用します。
    /etc/init.d/msed stop
    /etc/init.d/msed start


WLC Softwareの要件

  1. RFID タグをトラッキングする要件がない場合、WLC の変更は必要ありません。
  2. RFID タグをトラッキングする要件がある場合、 WLC Software / 8.3 次期メンテナンスリリース / 8.4 にアップグレードが必要です。
    ※ の入手にはサービスリクエストのオープンが必要となります。

Prime Software の要件

  1. 1800, 2800, 3800 をサポートしているバージョンであれば問題ありません。
    注意事項: 本パッチを適用後、MSEのバージョン番号(は変更されません。


1. MSEの状態確認

[root@mse ~]# /etc/init.d/msed status
Health Monitor is running
UDI: PID: AIR-MSE-VA-K9 , VID: V01, SN: mse_8f4f0dac-2739-11e7-81cb-005056b0
Disk Capacity: 170G
Disk Space used: 5.3G
Drive Type: Spinning Disk Drive
Server Uptime: 0 Days, 1:05 Hours
Number of Reboots: 2
Retrieving MSE Services status.
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJ configured for FIPS mode
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJCE turning on FIPS...
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJCEProvider version 2.0520150519 loading...
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - Executing Java version = 1.7.0_45

MSE services are up, getting the status

Server Config

Product name: Cisco Mobility Service Engine
Health Monitor Ip Address:
High Availability Role: 1
Hw Version: V01
Hw Product Identifier: AIR-MSE-VA-K9
Hw Serial Number: mse_8f4f0dac-2739-11e7-81cb-005056b0703b
HTTPS: null
Legacy Port: 8001
Log Modules: -1
Log Level: INFO
Days to keep events: 2
Session timeout in mins: 30
DB backup in days: 2


Service Name: Context Aware Service
Service Version:
Admin Status: Enabled
Operation Status: Up

Service Name: WIPS
Service Version: 3.0.8193.0
Admin Status: Disabled
Operation Status: Down

Service Name: Mobile Concierge Service
Service Version:
Admin Status: Disabled
Operation Status: Down

Service Name: CMX Analytics
Service Version:
Admin Status: Disabled
Operation Status: Down

Service Name: CMX Connect & Engage
Service Version:
Admin Status: Disabled
Operation Status: Down

Service Name: HTTP Proxy Service
Service Version:
Admin Status: Disabled
Operation Status: Down

Server Monitor

Server start time: Sat Apr 22 19:00:22 JST 2017
Server current time: Sat Apr 22 19:01:35 JST 2017
Server timezone: Asia/Tokyo
Server timezone offset (mins): 540
Restarts: 1
Used Memory (MB): 112
Allocated Memory (MB): 989
Max Memory (MB): 989
DB disk size (MB): 5170

Context Aware Service

Total Active Elements(Wireless Clients, Tags, Rogue APs, Rogue Clients, Interfer
ers, Wired Clients): 0
Active Wireless Clients: 0
Active Tags: 0
Active Rogue APs: 0
Active Rogue Clients: 0
Active Interferers: 0
Active Wired Clients: 0
Active Elements(Wireless Clients, Rogue APs, Rogue Clients, Interferers, Wired C
lients, Tags) Limit: 100
Active Sessions: 0
Wireless Clients Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
Tags Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
Rogue APs Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
Rogue Clients Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
Interferers Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
Wired Clients Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
Locally administered clients Not Tracked due to filtering: 0
Total Elements(Wireless Clients, Rogue APs, Rogue Clients, Interferers, Wired Cl
ients) Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
[root@mse ~]#


2. パッチファイルをMSEにコピー

コマンドラインか MSE の GUI メニューを使ってください。

2-a. コマンドラインの場合

[root@mse ~]# cd /opt/installers/
[root@mse installers]# sftp ftp@192.168.xxx.yyy <<< 適当なサーバを準備してください。
Connecting to 192.168.xxx.yyy…
The authenticity of host ‘ (192.168.xxx.yyy)’ can’t be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 8b:4d:f4:fb:ac:5b:4a:6e:ed:0e:11:50:10:a2:59:c1.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ‘192.168.xxx.yyy’ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
ftp@192.168.xxx.yyy’s password:
sftp> get Wave2APsPatch-201704051742.tar.gz
Fetching /Wave2APsPatch-201704051742.tar.gz to Wave2APsPatch-201704051742.tar.gz
/Wave2APsPatch-201704051742.tar.gz 100% 9159KB 8.9MB/s 00:01
sftp> quit

[root@mse installers]# ls -al
total 5282604
drwxr-xr-x 3 nobody nobody 4096 Apr 22 19:07 .
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 Apr 22 18:59 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nobody 45 Apr 22 17:45 aeroscout.tar.gz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nobody 2814635162 Sep 1 2016 CISCO-MSE-L-K9-8-0-140-0-64bit.bin
-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nobody 2580005154 Sep 12 2016 Database_Installer.
drwxr-xr-x 4 nobody nobody 4096 Apr 22 17:47 dbinstaller
-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nobody 451 Sep 1 2016 MSE_PUB.pem
-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nobody 256 Sep 1 2016 signhash.bin
-rwx—— 1 root root 9379216 Apr 22 19:07 Wave2APsPatch-201704051742.tar.gz

2.b GUIの場合

SYSTEM > MAINTENANCE > Download Software





[root@mse installers]# tar xvf Wave2APsPatch-201704051742.tar.gz

4. 展開されたディレクトリィに移動してファイルを確認

[root@mse installers]# cd Wave2APsPatch
[root@mse Wave2APsPatch]# ls
algo.jar README vendordata-schema-change.sh
algo.jar.sha256 server-eng.jar
install-patch.sh server-eng.jar.sha256

[root@mse Wave2APsPatch]# more README
Support for Wave APs

Applicable MSE version

install-patch.sh Script to install the patch
vendordata-schema-change.sh Script to change vendordata schema.
algo.jar Algorithm jar supporting new Wave2 APs
server-eng.jar CAS service main jar file
algo.jar.sha256 checksum (sha256) of the algo.jar
server-eng.jar.sha256 checksum (sha256) of server-eng.jar
README This file

Instructions to apply patch
1. Stop MSE services.
2. Execute install script as given below
3. Start MSE services.
4. Verify that MSE services are Up using
5. Execute schema change script as given below
6. Verify that clients/tags are detected on Wave APs.


[root@mse Wave2APsPatch]# /etc/init.d/msed stop
Stopping MSE Platform
Apache Service is running…will not stop it
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJ configured for FIPS mode
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJCE turning on FIPS…
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJCEProvider version 2.0520150519 loading…
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - Executing Java version = 1.7.0_45

Shutting down framework and services ……
Framework and services successfully shutdown. Shutting down database …..
MSE platform shutdown complete

6. パッチをインストール

[root@mse Wave2APsPatch]# ./install-patch.sh
Installed patch …
Patch installed successfully.
[root@mse Wave2APsPatch]#

7. MSEのサービスを起動

[root@mse Wave2APsPatch]# /etc/init.d/msed start
Starting MSE Platform

Flushing any pending data from Admin Process read and write pipe.
Starting Apache HTTPD Server
Apache Server is already running. Skipping restart.
Starting Health Monitor, Waiting to check the status.
Health Monitor successfully started
Starting Admin process…
Started Admin process.
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJ configured for FIPS mode
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJCE turning on FIPS…
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJCEProvider version 2.0520150519 loading…
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - Executing Java version = 1.7.0_45

Database started successfully. Starting framework and services …
Database started successfully. Starting framework and services ………………………….
Framework and services successfully started

8. MSEのサービスの起動を確認

[root@mse Wave2APsPatch]# /etc/init.d/msed start
Starting MSE Platform

Flushing any pending data from Admin Process read and write pipe.
Starting Apache HTTPD Server
Apache Server is already running. Skipping restart.
Starting Health Monitor, Waiting to check the status.
Health Monitor successfully started
Starting Admin process...
Started Admin process.
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJ configured for FIPS mode
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJCE turning on FIPS...
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJCEProvider version 2.0520150519 loading...
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - Executing Java version = 1.7.0_45

Database started successfully. Starting framework and services ...
Database started successfully. Starting framework and services ...............................
Framework and services successfully started

[root@mse Wave2APsPatch]# getserverinfo
Health Monitor is running
UDI: PID: AIR-MSE-VA-K9 , VID: V01, SN: mse_8f4f0dac-2739-11e7-81cb-005056b0703b
Disk Capacity: 170G
Disk Space used: 5.3G
Drive Type: Spinning Disk Drive
Server Uptime: 0 Days, 1:17 Hours
Number of Reboots: 2
Retrieving MSE Services status.
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJ configured for FIPS mode
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJCE turning on FIPS...
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - CiscoJCEProvider version 2.0520150519 loading...
[main] INFO com.cisco.ciscossl.provider.ciscojce.CiscoJCEProvider - Executing Java version = 1.7.0_45

MSE services are up, getting the status

Server Config

Product name: Cisco Mobility Service Engine
Health Monitor Ip Address:
High Availability Role: 1
Hw Version: V01
Hw Product Identifier: AIR-MSE-VA-K9
Hw Serial Number: mse_8f4f0dac-2739-11e7-81cb-005056b0703b
HTTPS: null
Legacy Port: 8001
Log Modules: -1
Log Level: INFO
Days to keep events: 2
Session timeout in mins: 30
DB backup in days: 2


Service Name: Context Aware Service
Service Version:
Admin Status: Enabled
Operation Status: Up

Service Name: WIPS
Service Version: 3.0.8193.0
Admin Status: Disabled
Operation Status: Down

Service Name: Mobile Concierge Service
Service Version:
Admin Status: Disabled
Operation Status: Down

Service Name: CMX Analytics
Service Version:
Admin Status: Disabled
Operation Status: Down

Service Name: CMX Connect & Engage
Service Version:
Admin Status: Disabled
Operation Status: Down

Service Name: HTTP Proxy Service
Service Version:
Admin Status: Disabled
Operation Status: Down

Server Monitor

Server start time: Sat Apr 22 19:11:47 JST 2017
Server current time: Sat Apr 22 19:13:33 JST 2017
Server timezone: Asia/Tokyo
Server timezone offset (mins): 540
Restarts: 2
Used Memory (MB): 117
Allocated Memory (MB): 989
Max Memory (MB): 989
DB disk size (MB): 5170

Context Aware Service

Total Active Elements(Wireless Clients, Tags, Rogue APs, Rogue Clients, Interferers, Wired Clients): 0
Active Wireless Clients: 0
Active Tags: 0
Active Rogue APs: 0
Active Rogue Clients: 0
Active Interferers: 0
Active Wired Clients: 0
Active Elements(Wireless Clients, Rogue APs, Rogue Clients, Interferers, Wired Clients, Tags) Limit: 100
Active Sessions: 0
Wireless Clients Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
Tags Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
Rogue APs Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
Rogue Clients Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
Interferers Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
Wired Clients Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
Locally administered clients Not Tracked due to filtering: 0
Total Elements(Wireless Clients, Rogue APs, Rogue Clients, Interferers, Wired Clients) Not Tracked due to the limiting: 0
[root@mse Wave2APsPatch]#

9. スキーマの変更

[root@mse Wave2APsPatch]# ./vendordata-schema-change.sh
vendordata schema change: SUCCESS
[root@mse Wave2APsPatch]#

10. 動作の確認

Wave2 対応パッチの適用は以上です。
PI の MAPに Client 等が表示されることを確認してください。


Level 1
Level 1





Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

SR にてご提供させていただきますので、必要の際にはお手数ですが SR オープンいただけますでしょうか。


Level 1
Level 1



Getting Started


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