Let's assume, I have a Custom Workflow Input called YESNO with LOV enties: Yes=>YES, No=>NO. I have a custom tasks, where I have an input variable of that type. I create a workflow, and place the custom task in it. When I configure that task, I would like to set some values not as Mapping User Input, but directly in Task Inputs. And here problem appears. That variable has a droppbox, but, it's empty, the above values are not pupulated. However, when I add a workflow input of that type, and define Admin Input, the list is pupulated. First, I thought that there is something wrong with the LOV I created, but I noticed it works the same for all LOVs. For example, when I define VMware Account variable in a task, I cannot see any of my VMware cloud accounts, unless I define it as Workflow Input. Of course, I can create hundreds of Workflow Inputs, but sometimes, I know that in specific workflow the task input will be always static, and there is no need to define Workflow Input, as I will not be changing it ever. Is this normal behavior of UCSD or there is some switch I can use to make LOVs visible/pupulated in custom tasks directly?