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Orf Gelbrich
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

API Document containing information about Generic API Task, its usage and examples.

UCSD has always been a repository of many out of the box tasks. These tasks are built around specific operations for a particular device. These have got pre-defined inputs and pre-defined outputs. These tasks are developed by developers who understand UCSD framework and also have domain expertise around the device for which the task is meant for.

In certain situations these out-of-the box task doesn’t suffice the user requirements.

For example:

  1. Device specific API has got new parameters and provides enhancement to existing functionality. To support this enhancement, customer has to wait for task enhancement from UCSD team till next release.
  2. Device exposes a new functionality but customer has to wait for next release of UCSD to get additional task for a given connector to utilize the new functionality.
  3. Customer wants to orchestrate a device operations which is currently not supported by UCSD as connector. To be able to orchestrate, customer has to wait for next release of UCSD when UCSD starts supporting the new device as a connector and provides required task.
  4. User wants to trigger a web service but wants to trigger it in a UCSD task fashion i.e. having run time inputs and outputs from the task

To circumvent these situations, UCSD provides a custom task framework where users can utilize cloupia script to write any device specific logic and achieve the desired result.

Custom tasks do provide the required flexibility but at the same time requires users to have good understanding about the UCSD exposed APIs and at the same time good knowledge of writing logic in cloupia script (which is mainly Java Script).

There are generic tasks available in UCSD like “SSH task” which allows user to automate operations on device which can be accessed via SSH. Since SSH is a standard way of interacting with devices, users can easily automate such operations in case there is no out-of-the-box task available for the same.

Most of the devices which requires the use of custom tasks expose their functionalities via APIs (XML/JSON). The standard way of consuming any API is a normal HTTP/HTTPs based call which clients like Postman etc. provides in a very simple way.

Currently, a generic API task using which a user can make a normal HTTP/HTTPs call to a device or service is missing in UCSD.

Generic API task tries to fill this gap and helps users to consume any API in a standard HTTP/HTTPs manner.

Any HTTP/HTTPs based API consists of a pre-defined structure:

  1. IP Address
  2. Port
  3. URL Path
  4. Headers
  5. Request Body
  6. Authentication Parameters

Expectation from Generic API Task

  1. Simple interface to consume any API
  2. Allows user to define run time variables which can be evaluated during run time or as task input.
  3. Provides ways to output the response or part of response
  4. Rollback option
  5. Should be able to consume information for devices already managed by UCSD.

Generic API Task Structure

Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 12.08.09 PM.png

As we see in the above snapshots, the Generic API task provides an additional page to user to define the API structure and required variables.

  1. It allows user to define API for GET, POST, DELETE and PUT based HTTP calls.
  2. It allows user to consume JSON or XML based APIs.
  3. It allows user to define outputs for the task using standard like xPath and JsonPath. User can find out the xPath or JsonPath of the node or element value inside the response and define the same to be outputted as task output.
  4. User can choose to enable/disable outputting the complete API response.
  5. User can choose to enable HTTP Based Authentication which will append an Authorization header with value as username and password encoded using Base 64 encoding.
  6. The HTTP Basic Authentication option allows user to choose if they want to use known credentials internally or wants to provide the credential information as task input.

Defining Outputs

User can choose to define outputs based on the xPath or JsonPath of the variables inside the API response. User can also choose to output the complete response as an output or hide the complete response during task execution.

Example 1:

Let’s say we execute a login API for the UCSM account using generic API task. The successful response for the API will be something like:











Now we want the value of outCookie attribute from this response which can be used as parameter for further operations.

The xPath for the outCookie attribute will be: /aaaLogin/@outCookie

So we can define an output variable like:

  • Output Name: Cookie
  • Path                 :  /aaaLogin/@outCookie

Example 2:

Let’s take an example of making a JSON based Login REST API call to an APIC device.

The JSON response for a successful login API call to APIC device will look something like below:

  "imdata" : [{
      "aaaLogin" : {
        "attributes" : {
          "token" : 
          "refreshTimeoutSeconds" : "300",
          "lastName" : "Washington",
          "firstName" : "George"
        "children" : [{

We want to fetch the value for the “token” attribute as it is the value which is required to perform any other API calls to the device.

Since the response is a JSON response, we shall find out the JsonPath for the “token” attribute. The JsonPath is similar to xPath where we traverse the element from the parent element. The JsonPath for the “token” attribute in above response will be:

JsonPath: $.imdata[0].aaaLogin.attributes.token

We can define the output inside the Generic API task as below:

  • Output Name : Cookie
  • Path                  :  $.imdata[0].aaaLogin.attributes.token

Example 3:

Using xPath or JsonPath built-in filtering capability

xPath and JsonPath provides some in-built filtering capability. We can define the xPath or JsonPath of an element and provide some filtering criteria as well.

For example, let’s say an API execution results in a JSON response having list of employee details.


    'name': 'John',
    'address1': null,
    'empId': 10,
    'salary': 0.0
    'name': 'George',
    'address1': null,
    'empId': 11,
    'salary': 0.0
    'name': Frank',
    'address1': null,
    'empId': 12,
    'salary': 0.0
We want to output the employee id of the employee with employee name “Frank”.
The following JsonPath expression will help find out the employee object in the above response and provide the required employee id:
We can than define the task output with above JsonPath expression:
  • Output Name : Employee_Id
  • Path                  :  $.[?("Frank")].empId

NOTE: If in case there are multiple employees with name “Frank”, the output will be a comma separated Employee IDs of the employees with name as “Frank”. Example: [13, 14, 20]

Similar to above example, we can use xPath filtering capabilities as well to filter XML response and output the desired node/element value from the response.

Defining Variables

User can define variables inside a task definition using following format:

@{INPUT VARIABLE}   For e.g. @{Username}, @{Employee Name}

Variables can be used in following places:

  1. API Path:

User can define variables inside the API path which will form the URL for the API call. These variables become task input. The API Path is evaluated during task execution.

  1. Request Content:

User can define variables inside the request body content. These variables become task Input. The body content is evaluated during the task execution.

  1. Output Path:

User can define variables inside the output xPath or JsonPath expression. These variables become task input. The output path is evaluated during task execution and used to find required output from XML or JSON response.

These variables will become task input and the values for the same can be fed either as a mapped input or task input.

Examples for defining variables in various sections

API Path

Let’s say we need to execute an API available at following URL:

https://[IP]:[Port]/getEmployeeDetails/[Employee ID]

Now since we want to be able to execute this API for different values of employee ID, we would need the employee id as a variable and should be able to provide the value at run time.

The IP Address and Port values are also required but can be static in nature.

We can define the above API structure using the Generic API task in below manner –

  • IP Address
  • Port
  • API Path

The @{Employee_ID} notation will create a task input named Employee_ID and now we can map the input to either WF input or define the value statically as task input.

Request Content

Most of the HTTP API calls requires a body content to be sent as a payload. The payload contains the information required to perform the operation (Post, Put etc.).

Let’s take an example of getting a session id information from UCS Manager which can further be used as a parameter to perform other operation.

The API Path required to get session id is /nuova. The request content which need to be sent to the URL is:

<aaaLogin inName= [User Name] inPassword= [Password] />

Below is the API structure defined using Generic API Task to perform the above operation:

  • IP Address :
  • Port            :
  • API Path     :
  • Request Content:  

                              <aaaLogin inName= @{User_Name} inPassword= @{Password.encrypt} />

Here the variables defined using User_Name and Password becomes the task input and the values can be provided either statically or as mapped input.

The .encrypt keyword can be used to make sure the generated task input type for the defined variable is password and will not be visible inside the task or during execution of the task.

By default the generated task input type for the defined variables is generic text.

For managed devices in UCSD, the above request content can also be defined using below keywords:

<aaaLogin inName= @{Account.username} inPassword= @{Account.password} />


<aaaLogin inName= @{CredPolicy.username} inPassword= @{CredPolicy.password} />

The @{Account.username} and @{Account.password} keywords can be used to provide information from an already managed account in UCSD. The generic API task fetches the information internally for the selected account and use the same during API execution. These keywords don’t become task input, as values are fetched internally within UCSD.

The @{CredPolicy.username} and @{CredPolicy.password} keywords can be used if user wants to provide credential information from a credential policy defined inside UCSD. This can be used for devices which are not managed by UCSD but credential information is fed from the credential policy within UCSD. These keywords also don’t become task input as values are fetched internally within UCSD.

Output Path

There are certain situations where we want to use variables inside the xPath or the JsonPath of the element value which we want from the response. For example, let’s take the same example as above where an API execution results in a JSON response having list of employee details.


    'name': 'John',
    'address1': null,
    'empId': 10,
    'salary': 0.0
    'name': 'George',
    'address1': null,
    'empId': 11,
    'salary': 0.0
    'name': Frank',
    'address1': null,
    'empId': 12,
    'salary': 0.0

Now we want to output the employee ID of an employee with a particular name. As we saw in above examples, the JsonPath to find out the same will be:


But let’s say the employee name is a variable and we want to provide employee name at run time and want the employee Id for the same as task output.

Generic API task allows us to define variables inside the output path definition as well. We can define variable using @{Variable_Name} notation.

In above example, the JsonPath to find employee Id for a variable employee name would become like:


The variable Employee_Name will become a task input and can get value as a task input or a mapped input. The variable value will be evaluated at runtime during task execution and then the JsonPath will be evaluated based on the JSON Response. Finally the evaluated JsonPath value will be outputted as task output.

Similar variable usage is possible inside xPath definition as well while defining the output of the Generic API task.

Defining Headers

Any HTTP/HTTPs based API execution may require some information present inside the HTTP header.

Generic API task allows user to define the header names required for API execution. All the header parameters become task input automatically and can get value statically or as a mapped input during run time.

In situations where the header value might require some fixed and some variable part, we can use the normal dollar variable ($) concept to define the value for the particular header.

For example, in the below screenshot, there are two headers parameters required for API Execution:

Both these header parameters will automatically become task input and the values can be provided either statically or as a mapped input.

Now let’s say the value required the Cookie parameter is of following format:


Here the X-Device-Token is a fixed part and TOKEN_VALUE is a value which can be a variable. In order to define this value for the “Cookie” task input, we can use dollar variable to provide a fixed value and at the same time define a variable value:

HTTP Basic Authentication

In certain situations, API execution may require authentication parameters to be passed using HTTP basic authentication method.

HTTP Basic Authentication is a standard way to authenticate clients with server. The authentication information is passed using an “Authorization” header parameter that contains the word Basic word followed by a space and a base64-encoded string username:password.

Generic API task allows user to define basic authentication mechanism in following ways:

  1. Allows user to provide the credential information (username and password) as task input.

In this case, two task inputs are auto-generated (Auth_Username and Auth_Password) and user can provide the required values as task input or mapped input.

  1. Allow user to use the existing device credential or information inside a credential policy for basic authentication parameter. In this case, the required information is fetched internally and no new input is required from user.

NOTE: Generic API task automatically adds the required header for HTTP Basic authentication (Authorization) with required formatted value while making the API call. User don’t need to define this header manually.

Defining Rollback

Generic API Task, like any other task in UCSD, also provides a way to define rollback. The rollback can be defined in two ways:

  1. Provide the API structure information which needs to be triggered during rollback
  2. Choose an existing WF with required input definition which can be triggered as part of the rollback for the task.
  3. We can define the minimal required rollback API definitions like URL, Headers, API Path, and Request Body the same way as normal API task definition.
  4. We can use @ Variable notation to define variables which appears as task input for the task.
  5. @Variables can be used inside the rollback URL and rollback body content.
  6. Keywords (Account.username, Account.password, CredPolicy.username and CredPolicy.password) can be also be used inside rollback URL and rollback body content.
  7. We can choose a WF to be triggered during the rollback of a task.
  8. On selection of the WF, user can configure the WF inputs and provide information about the values to be passed to WF during rollback.
  9. We can choose to take a WF input value as task input. Value can be provided as task input or mapped input.
  10. We can choose to provide WF input value using pre-defined keywords (Account.username, Account.password, DeviceCred.username, DeviceCred.password)
  11. We can also choose to use the outputs defined in the task as input value for the rollback WF.

Provide Rollback API Definition

  1. We can define the minimal required rollback API definitions like URL, Headers, API Path, and Request Body the same way as normal API task definition.
  2. We can use @ Variable notation to define variables which appears as task input for the task.
  3. @Variables can be used inside the rollback URL and rollback body content.
  4. Keywords (Account.username, Account.password, CredPolicy.username and CredPolicy.password) can be also be used inside rollback URL and rollback body content.

Rollback WF definition

  1. We can choose a WF to be triggered during the rollback of a task.
  2. On selection of the WF, user can configure the WF inputs and provide information about the values to be passed to WF during rollback.
  3. We can choose to take a WF input value as task input. Value can be provided as task input or mapped input.
  4. We can choose to provide WF input value using pre-defined keywords (Account.username, Account.password, DeviceCred.username, DeviceCred.password)
  5. We can also choose to use the outputs defined in the task as input value for the rollback WF.
Level 1
Level 1
Hi Is there a way to clone the "Generic API Task" from Task Library to generate the InnerTask Code where you can set all the inputs ? So you could call the task within a Cloupia Script to run it in a loop.
Orf Gelbrich
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Thats sounds cool actually, but I let the BU answer this one.  I suspect since this task is very special and autogenerates input from your variables it has to record that some how in the DB and hence the task is not clonable in the workflow editor and is not cleanly clonable in the custom task section. 


Mohan Raj
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Hello Dominik, We do not have provision to expose the internal code of inbuilt tasks and neither do we have plans to expose them in future.
Level 1
Level 1
Ok, thanks a lot for the quick response.
Level 1
Level 1

call this from cloupia-script would be a great solution to avoid having to encode https/basic-auth-stuff in javascript within a custom task.


Might be off-topic, but any other "elegant" solution to call a set of rest-api-calls with dynamically generated urls/parameters?

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