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Member since ‎03-22-2020

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Hi all, We are radius server is Synology radius plugin, the radius server plugin can't provide role attributes, user not have permission, have any idea for this case ?    
I get something new C9300L switch, we need downgrade switch firmware 16.12.02 to 16.09.04, base on guide config downgrade firmware but switch can't be loading ios.  Switch#request platform software package install switch all file flash:?flash:.instal...
新到了一些C9300L-24T-4G-A跟机来的版本是16.12.2(ED)版本,我们要将16.12.2降级到16.09.4(MD)版本。根据guide的指引操作交换机无法正常加载系统,一直重启。Switch#install add file flash:cat9k_iosxe.16.09.04.SPA.bin activate commitinstall_add_activate_commit: START Tue Mar 31 04:32:18 UTC 2020System configur...
We use NAS provide radius service. should by use OOB connect to the radius server. aaa new-model!aaa group server radius <name>server name <server name>ip vrf forwarding Mgmt-vrfip radius source-interface G0/0!radius server <server name>address ipv4 ...
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Member Since ‎03-22-2020 07:19 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-13-2022 07:38 PM
Posts 12
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