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Member since ‎06-24-2020

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  • 7 Posts
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Hello,I have a router which had it's fixed circuit decommed & now is running on just the 4G cellular link. The issue I have is that the dialer doesn't seem to kick in after a reboot. Is it ok to have config as per below which uses a dialer-list & a d...
Hello,I have a router which is currently setup for TACACS authentication & it's all good for the VTY lines. What I would like to do is have the console port use a local username defined as test rather than tacacs. I've set it up with the following ho...
Hello,I have CISCO1941/K9 routers which are running version Version 15.7(3)M6 & only have a 4g cellular interface as a WAN link. The signal or link drops ever so often & doesn't connect unless a shut/no shut is done on the cell interface. When it dro...
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Member Since ‎06-24-2020 06:09 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-06-2021 04:50 PM
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