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Member since ‎03-22-2012

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Requirement : -> I want  to generate a random number from set of 1-9 numbers .is there any way in cpo ?ThanksSiva
Hi All,Do you have any idea how to upload a file to FTP that is created using write file activity in CPO.We are able to save the file in the local path of the server.Thanks,Ram
                   Hi Is there any way to create a Scheduler dynamically ??? below is my requirement > I need to create a schedular for a process inside another process.For Example :- Process A -- Shuold create schedular for Process B and it will com...
Hi,Can anyone please provide me how to use ParseDate activity?Scenario:   >>   I have a Date value in string variable : 09/08/2012 06:11 AM   >>   Need to convert this string to Date format:         MM/'dd/yyyy hh:mm tt
Hi,Please provide some steps how use the Rest API call CPO.My requirement: Need to access Service Item from portal and get/update. some information using REST API (if any other solution provide it).                   Thanks and regards,Vignesh
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Member Since ‎03-22-2012 02:59 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 22
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