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Member since ‎07-13-2020

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Hi  I am deploying over 900 FTD 1120 to Cisco CDO and cdFMC, doing the configuration of the device inside the cdFMC i am applying a health policy, platform settings and add the device to a device group.  To my understanding of the API, you need to sp...
Hi Background story: I have a customer that are deploying over 900 FTD in CDO and i have a python program that configure and deploy the configuration to each device I have a program that make a bunch of configuration changes using the Cloud delivered...
Hi I have the service deployed at a customer site, with over 300 switches that all need to have config changes, and to be able to group them and send the same command to every device in that group would realy speed up the deployment.  So my question ...
i cant get the estreamer to make a connection to the FMC, it says unknown cai have tried to end the sandbox and make a new reservation but without luck i have also tried to upload a new psk12 file to the fmcsplunk server but still no luck. I have ata...
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Member Since ‎07-13-2020 02:20 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-17-2024 12:47 AM
Posts 7
Total Helpful Votes Received 6
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