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Member since ‎10-29-2002

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I'm doing a proof of concept using Cisco's IOS CA Server to do our DMVPN authentication. When I use a stand alone CA Server this stuff works great but that doesn't have any "redundancy" in it were we to have a failure. So we want to use the subordina...
Currently I'm implementing a CS-MARS solution where the first task is to get it successfully monitoring our logging from WCS. Unfortuantely MARS doesn't support WCS and requires a custom parser to be built so that it understands the logs.I was wonder...
We've noticed a significant difference in how fast packets make it through our network (Website load times mainly) since we upgraded to 3.1.4 on our FWSM.Anyone else experience that?
I've got a native IOS 6509 running 12.1(20)E2 code that I would like to get netflow from on a layer 2 port.Poor setup of the network dictates this need but if it can't be done I'll simply have to fix the network I guess (Painful)Here is the config I ...
I've done a few simple wireless installations based on the AP1231 in the past but right now I'm looking to do a medium sized one. The building is about 225 feet end to end and about 70 feet wide. I've got three floors and would like to provide 54mbps...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-29-2002 09:37 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 36
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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