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Member since ‎11-27-2020

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Hi guys, The FS is capturing the traffic from the Switch with the help of the SPAN protocol. Few CPU cores show the CPU utilization close to 90%. This usage is in the range of 82%-90% always. So I just want to know if is this normal behavior or if I ...
Hi community members, I need help here. we are using FTD 4125 physical appliance and configured SSL VPN with self-signed cert. whenever users try to connect AnyConnect, the application prompt warning that this is not trusted CA.   I do not want to pu...
Hi team,   we have a plan to migrate some of the subnets from FPR to the next hop(from Radware to F5). I have doubt that if I create PBR that will work nicely for outbound traffic but I am not sure for inbound traffic. Please let me know any solution...
Hi, we are migrating checkpoint VPN users to AnyConnect. is it possible to customize the AnyConnect logo. when the user clicks on connect, it loads with the AnyConnect logo. I want to change the background and AnyConnect logo as per the customer's re...
Hi,I have to create a sub-interface and add it to the existing zone. how can I proceed with the below scenario?FTD has 2 Port-channel.1. Port-channel20(Interface Name - OUTSIDE): - IP address  is directly assigned to Port-channel 20 inter...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-27-2020 03:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-26-2024 02:32 AM
Posts 81
Total Helpful Votes Received 12
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