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Member since ‎04-15-2019

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Hello,We need to audit the network traffic and also apply some rule based on user or groups. Is there a way that a switch or a wireless controller can provide a user to ip mapping table? this need to be "auth-level", the data need to be unique and fr...
Hi,I'm a starter in configure an enterprise level auth for wired and wireless.I previously config a VPN use cisco FTD and anyconnect as client. the authentication on VPN I can use both certificate and password, I notice that RADIUS server in this cas...
Hi, We have a FPR1010 device with FTD image and manage by FDM.A risk was found in VPN service (outside interface and port 443) that it's using a commonly used Diffie-Hellman primes for SSL key exchange. How can I change that DH primes? The server is ...
最近在ISR4k的路由上搞了个flex vpn玩,参考的思科官方例子,链接:遇到了俩棘手的问题,求助各位大佬。网络质量应该挺好的200M光纤。设置的全局代理,用anyconnect连上以后网速奇慢,通过隧道访问一个页面加载半天甚至timeout。内网还好点,外网资源基本上没法用,...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-15-2019 12:28 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-31-2023 12:02 AM
Posts 27
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