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Member since ‎05-13-2003

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So I'm horrible with dealing with the ACE so please be a thorough as possible.Here's my problem. I've got a series of servers that runs SSL at port 8443. I need to be able to redirect ALL calls to it (http or https). I need to load balance those as w...
I'm confused.  I'm about to upgrade a 5508 controller so I can do the pre-download to the access points, but in every doc I find, it says to disable the WLAN's before upgrading.  This makes no sense.  I'm just moving code over, why do I have to disru...
I'm getting to the point where my campus wireless network is growing past the subnet size that I'm comfortable dealing with.  I have a WiSM and WCS and am running the newest IOS on each.  Is there any way to use multiple VLAN's on one campus-wide SSI...
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Member Since ‎05-13-2003 09:02 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 8