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Member since ‎03-23-2021

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Connecting to a freepbx systemextension registers no issueinbound calls work to extension when attempting to dial out it just sits dead air then eventually beeps just upgraded to firmware  sip88xx.11-3-3MPP0001-377.loadsworked with firmware prior sip...
I have now a 3PCC version 8851 and when i try to connect to the web interface it says cisco in title bar and just a spinning hour glass i have tried multiple browsers and still same issuefactory reset - same issue software ver sip88xx.11-0-1mpp-477.l...
I am coming from using all 303 phones in my company and was late to the game to notice that 303 is now end of life I purchased a 8851 as it seemed the 7821 and 8851 were the replacement modelsI connected to the web interface and noticed there is noth...
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Member Since ‎03-23-2021 06:38 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-09-2021 07:45 AM
Posts 11