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Member since ‎02-20-2007

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Hi.I have the following situation in my network.We have a need for users who connect to our site with VPN clients to connect to another site via a L2L tunnel. The problem is that I need to NAT the addresses from the VPN client pool to another range b...
Hi all. I have a following situation in our network. We have users that are connecting to our network using Cisco VPN clients to work on the servers. Now they need to work both on our servers and on servers on remote location that is connected to ou...
Hi all. In our company we are going to implement VoIP in our regional offices were all the networking equipment is Cisco. We were thinking of using Huawei 8 port PoE switches to which we would connect our Cisco phones and then connect the Huawei swit...
Hi all. We have encountered a weird ARP broadcast problem.The problem is that we have a range of hosts that do ARP broadcasts requesting who has an IP address in their LAN segment. Those hosts send a new broadcast cca. every 4 seconds to another addr...
Hi all. We have recently upgraded from PIX to ASA5540 and we have seen a rather strange thing going on. In a nutshell we can ping the inside interface of the ASA from any network range on our 6500(which is connected directly behind the ASA on the ins...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-20-2007 05:19 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 163
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