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Member since ‎05-23-2021

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I understand that when creating Contract between inter-VRF EPG , Policy is only pushed to Consumer leaf and not Provider leaf. But in the situation where there is contract between inter-VRF EPG and provider VRF has PBR , So in that event will provide...
When having Multiple Remote leaf locations ? Does remote leaf at location 1 exchange COOP with Remote leaf 2 directly or is it still via Spine at main data center since its running MP-BGP VPNv4 RR.
Why Does increase in Leaf increases the number of APIC ?
What happens if APIC fails with which VMM integration is done ?
Can VxLAN running standalone NX-OS communitcate to ACI on other sites via spine ? The reason i asked this is becasue ACI runs iVxLAN which is proprietory and standalone NX-OS uses open standard VxLAN. if yes ? How ?
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Member Since ‎05-23-2021 10:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2021 12:04 AM
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