yao yu jiang
Level 1
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Member since ‎02-08-2011

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does WCCP transparent proxy support NTLMSSP authentication ? , does wccp support using the NTLMSSP  Authentication? i found the WSA IRONPORT  can not find the windows domain login username information, when I use the transparent wccp , it only record...
I HAVE asa5545 , i shutdown the ips , and unintsall the ips software module, and reload the asa, account to 9.1 configure cli guide, and upload the asa cx boot image, and reboot the cx module, wait 5 min, session cx console,  i see the # session cxsc...
                   the client has 2 firewals , in different floor, they require to do a active/standby HA  . if the length is over 100M, can we order 6x GE spf module for ASA5525-X , and configure the  fiber port to be failover /state port ? any one ...
                   HELLO:WE use the WCCP Between the ASA firewall and WSA , my question is 1,  do we need HA license for WSA,  i assume no,  i think we treat them as two standlone box.2.  how to setup HA OF 2 WSA to work with 1 ASA firewal, using the...
the story is we configure the monitor interface  insidemonitor interface  outsidemonitor interface  partnerand save configuebut when i show run monitor-interfacethe configure do not show the 3 montitor interfaces, it only show other monitor interface...
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Member Since ‎02-08-2011 09:23 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-17-2024 01:48 AM
Posts 28
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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