for IE3200,IE3300, & IE3400, the behavior for SDFlash:, Flash: which is primary has changed. as you've seen.
starting with IOS-XE release 17.10.1 on IE switches, the Flash: file system is now primary always regardless if a SD Card is present or not....
is the IE3300 booting up in "install mode" or "bundle mode"? the note in the release notes is specific to "install mode".
can you try to boot up in 'bundle mode' and see if the issue persists?
As you have discovered, the CNC software is not available. that's because its not a official product that Cisco supports. it never made it out of 'experimental' or 'development' stage to become a product.
please answer these questions so we can cons...
the IE3400H only supports speeds up to 1000Mbps. to achieve 1000Mbps, you need the M12 x-code connector. this has 8 pins.
the IE3400H does not support speeds above 1000Mbps. for instance 2.5Gbps is not supported.
you're posted your query to the wrong community. Industrial Networking focuses on Cisco Industrail network portfolio. the CS3850 is not an Industrial Networking product.
Try "technology and support" -> "networking" -> "switching"