I started a new sandbox catalyst 9000 , and it gave me a message active with error , this is the second time I started the reservation , but I didn't received the activation link . this is the last log I can view in configuration log
I did reservation for sandbox Open NX-OS with Nexus 9K
but I can not reach the nx-os on or the the ssh connection always fave me connection timeout.
if this can helpthe service I tried to reserve isIOS XE on Catalyst 9000 16.12 EFT Code ,the other is not available now ( IOS XE on Catalyst 9000 16.12 Code )
I have the same issue with catalyst 9000active with error and this is the second reservation ,the activity tab in reservation page show this errorError: Fatal Error Has OccurredDescription: A fatal error has occurred. Environment Driver cannot contin...
I kept reserve and try this sandbox for two days , and I can not access the or the ,the vpn connection is working and can not even ping the running services.
I Have the connection but I can not connect to the lab or the tool machine with ip it always gave me connection timeout , and I can not ping the dns that is located in the vpn connection
and I did try other labs ...