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Level 1
Member since ‎09-08-2016

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I am working on rolling out DUO and have come into a bit of an issue. I installed the DUO application on a Windows Server 2012R2 server (physical machine), enabled only for RDP connections. When I attempt to RDP into the server I get the following er...
your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not respondingI recently purchased a Cisco 1841 router to add to my home lab, in preparation for the CCNA. My problem is, I can't get out to the internet. Af...
I recently purchased a Cisco 1841 router to add to my home lab, in preparation for the CCNA. My problem is, I can't get out to the internet. After running the config's (will post below) I plug my laptop into fa0/1, on the router, and try to reach the...
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Member Since ‎09-08-2016 08:34 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 8