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Member since ‎11-22-2021

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How can network protocols (which ones precisely) be implemented for the flows shown and described below ? Propose as many solutions and variants and try to be as more specific as you can.  PE routers : ISP 1 and ISP 2 - Cisco ASR 9000 Series (one ven...
Workstation tries to obtain IP address sending DHCP request. Unfortunately it does not see any response from DHCP server although server is up and running, router interfaces are up and ICMP communication is possible. Why is this happens and how to el...
Router R1 have to establish connectivity with router R2 loopback26 interface. Which route R1 will choose as first one, which as second and third ?Note: there is no route redistribution configured between protocols on any of the routers. 
Host with IP address is not able to reach host with IP address via UDP 4501 port. ICMP (ping) communication is possible. There are two routers between these hosts.Note: there are no ACLs nor firewalls implemented on any h...
We have two edge routers connected to Internet network - router R1 and router R2. By default all traffic is directed to router R2 according to implemented static route. How should network be configured to force host with IP address to c...
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Member Since ‎11-22-2021 09:33 AM
Date Last Visited
Posts 10
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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