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Member since ‎02-01-2007

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My company is shipping some routers overseas but we can not ship the k-9 version, but we need ssh support.So is there an IOS that supports ssh but is a non-k9?Jeff
Guys,Lets say I have three inside addresses,, and All three of these addresses will be translated to an outside address of and I have PAT set up. My destination address will an outside address of
I have a 3845 router with a 16 port switch module. The 16 port switch module has multiple vlans, and is running in transparent mode. The router has multiple sub-interfaces all running dot1q encap.When the sub-interface on the router receives a frame ...
I am looking for a T1/E1 WIC that has a BNC connector. This card would be installed in a 3845.Can someone recommend a card??Thanksjeff
Guys I have a unusual problem. Can anyone explain what happened here. Here is the background on my network.I have 4 sun servers connected to a 3745 router. The 3745 router have the 36-port internal switch module.T he IOS on the router is IOS (tm) 370...
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Member Since ‎02-01-2007 08:19 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 18