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Member since ‎04-28-2022

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I purchased the "CISCO DIRECT SL-900-SEC=" for my C9311 router (personal) and was able to install it, but I also want to have access to latest software release for the router.Can anyone tell me what I need to purchase so that I can get access to the ...
Just noticed logs showing repeating stand-by selection messages that seem to be occurring every few minutes as shown below.  All APs are on same switch, AP1 is set to preferred controller and I'm running latest EWC.  Any ideas on what might be causin...
I'm trying to get multicast to work between an SG550x switch and wireless devices connected to an embedded wireless controller setup with multiple 9115 access points.  While I can get multicast to work across VLANs on the switch, I can't get multicas...
I have two SSIDs AP1 and AP2 both of which leverage MAC authentication device list defined under AAA Advanced, Device Authentication.  I have defined the Attribute List Name and WLAN profiles specific to each MAC in an attempt to limit the SSID that ...
I previously had my RV340 router's WAN port connected to a Spectrum D3.1 eMTA modem at 1gb but have noticed that I'm now only seeing the WANs port speed connected at 100mb.  To isolate the issue I connected the Spectrum modem to a switch which is set...
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Member Since ‎04-28-2022 03:58 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-22-2024 09:34 AM
Posts 22
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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