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Member since ‎05-05-2022

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I have courtesy callback running in our environment.  We offer callback in our main ICM script, if the caller accepts callback, then we send the call to the CCB ICM script pass some variables and set the initial EWT, the send the call on to the CCB c...
I am trying to create an administrator controlled Cancel feature for courtesy callback. I wanted to see how to do 3 things as it relates to purging calls.Purge all callbacks - This routing control value at the time of the initial callback setup in ca...
I have a courtesy callback solution implemented and it is working fine.  The CallbackWait application dials the customer back using the 10 digit number that the caller entered originally.  What I would like to do is prefix 9 or some other access code...
I am trying to generate some custom reports for courtesy callback.  My query is not working quite the way I though.  I am trying to create a summary report that counts the number of pending callbacks that have zero retries.We are using UCCE 12.6.Here...
I have implemented courtesy callback.  One challenge I have though it sometimes sessions are stuck in the CallbackWait app in scenarios where the voice gateway is rebooted/fails or maybe I was updating the call studio app and made a mistake initially...
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Member Since ‎05-05-2022 12:30 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-05-2024 07:53 PM
Posts 13
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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