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Member since ‎07-18-2010

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Hi,I am using EEM to trigger the following commands on a set event:action 1 cli command "enable"action 2 cli command "tclsh flash:mytcl.tcl"In my tcl script I am using the command 'after' to sleep for a specific time.What I notice is that the script ...
Hi guys,I have a DHCP setup on my Cisco 877W that acts as a DHCP server.I would like to add an option to statically assign IP addresses for a chosen number of hosts.My current DHCP configuration is:ip dhcp excluded-address!ip...
Hi,I got a Cisco 877W set up and have problems with the Firewall setup using Cisco Configuration Professional.I am new to the security field so I decided to use CCP to configure the firewall. I would like to block all traffic from the internet and al...
Hi,I would like to know if it is possible to perform variable traffic shaping per protocol on a Cisco router (I have a 877W).What I am looking for is that if I transfer files by FTP, I will get the maximum bandwidth available from my WAN but as soon ...
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Member Since ‎07-18-2010 06:37 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:54 AM
Posts 12
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